Heaven News August 23, 2009 - Moving Forward
Opening God Quote:
“You are beginning to sense yourself as light. Chakras become real to you. You feel your core of Being as a flame. All your illusion is going up in smoke.”
New Subscribers since last Heaven News
30 International Countries

Australia Belgium Brazil Canada Columbia Croatia France Germany Ghana Ireland Israel Italy Kenya Lithuania Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria Norway Peru Philippines Portugal Romania Russian Federation Singapore South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey
[This listing of countries represents only the countries that new Heavensubscribers have recently come from!]
28 United States
Arizona California Colorado Connecticut Florida Georgia Hawaii Illinois Kentucky Maryland Massachusetts Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska New Mexico New York North Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Washington Wisconsin
[Heavensubscribers already come from every state in the U.S.!]
I see that when a new subscriber comes in from any country or state, then there are others from that same country or state who soon follow. It is easy to imagine that the first person told another, and the second person another, and a whole connected family of new subscribers arrive. At the same time, no matter where we are from, every single one of us, every Heavenreader is intimately connected with every other Heavenreader. Our hearts are One with God.
Godwriting European Workshop Tour!

Your presence is desired! Come join us. (Gloria and Santhan)
Godwriting workshops are powerful. In their simplicity and sincerity, the workshops provide an environment where the practice of Godwriting is introduced, and you begin to hear God whisper to you, and you Godwrite.
Here’s the schedule. Click the link for more information:
Bruges, Belgium - 12 & 13 September
Turin, Italy - 26 & 27 September
Istanbul, Turkey - 3 & 4 October
Which Godwriting™ Workshop are you coming to?
Workshops are presented Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Please note: It’s one workshop in two parts.
During the first day, you start Godwriting. Then you go home or to your hotel, and you Godwrite by yourself. More questions come up, and the next day there are more answers to questions you want to hear.
The second day gives us this opportunity to answer your further questions and for you to come away with more confidence in yourself. Your natural talent for Godwriting is confirmed.
I would compare the first session to getting your visa! And the second session to getting your visa stamped!
Leen, the sponsor in Belgium, explained the importance of the two days so beautifully, and I abridge and paraphrase what she wrote:
“We offer, through God, a workshop of two days. That is what it is: a two-day workshop in Divine Light. This workshop is a way of forming a deeper connection with the God that lives within each one of us. This workshop is a commitment to ourselves.”
More Angels Spreading Heavenletters - how far it goes, nobody knows!
Russ Michael, Heaven’s Booster

This photo of Russ Michael was taken in Germany when Russ came to a Godwriting™ workshop there a few years ago!
Everyday Russ Michael publishes a Heavenletter in his newsletter age-reversal@aon.at
Look at this note that Michael recently included with his newsletter:
“Study the Heavenletters...as they really do teach like no other teaching I have encountered. I have said again and again, when our E.T. sisters and brothers arrive, they will be teaching each and all of us at an individual level, in the same way that those of us are privileged--to read the HEAVENLETTERS--are being taught daily now! I am so thankful that we have HEAVENLETTERS to awaken us to more and more TRUTH or ONENESS, all bursting with so much light and genuine unconditional love and UNCOMPROMISED truth.“
Wow, that is a powerful statement. It is all the more interesting to me because I do not seem to connect to the concept of ET‘s! I have also had the idea that we don‘t have to study Heavenletters at all, that they will work their magic on us without our doing anything but reading them!
As you can imagine, Russ Michael is tops in my book.
Richard Presser, another great friend to Heavenletters™
Richard’s work is far different from Heavenletters, yet our goals are alike. Richard speaks of Connecting Hearts of Humanity, and Heavenletters speaks of reaching every soul on Earth to reawaken our connection to God…
Richard and I also share that it was about fifteen years ago that our lives took on a new direction, less about ourselves, and more about others.
One of the great things about Richard’s ebook, The Coming Golden Age and How to Prepare for It www.thecominggoldenage.com is that he includes two Heavenletters in it! They are:
Heaven 2496 Gaining the boundless
Heaven 2507 In the Guise of Human Being
How well these two Heavenletters resonate with Richard’s work. You can find these Heavenletters in Chapter 6 of Richard’s book.
Vivek Makes a Heaven You-tube Video

Our dear friend from India, Shahid, who has made several great Heaven You-tube presentations, asked his friend Vivek in the U.S. to create a Heavenletter presentation, and what a video Vivek did create!
Watch this, please, and leave a comment, will you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4MvAI10Wtg
To give you more of an idea of what Vivek is like, on his profile on the Heavenletter Spiritual Community Forum, Vivek gives his hobby as The Ultimate and Beautiful Design of Oneself. Isn’t that the truth?
Vivek wrote:
“It’s an honor to read and share one of the many letters from the All mighty God. After all i am nothing with out Him/She. I would love to be on your mailing list, and i feel that we are from the same soul group. My heart speaks the truth b/c this is the way to life. Breathe Life in and find joy within.” Love and Blessings, Vivek.

And here are Shahid’s marvelous Heaven You-Tubes:
HeavenLetter #984 What To Ask GOD
Heavenletter #2955 Bells Ringing in Heaven
HeavenLetters #1109 Affirm Reality
And we also have Marlene Swetlishoff’s, Mary Hessions’s, and Laura De Giorgio’s you-tubes. These have been translated into many languages. I want to include theirs but will have to hunt for them.
Shahid suggested that we assemble all the Heaven You-Tube links in one place, a whole space on the Heavenletter Spiritual Community Forum devoted exclusively to You-Tube presentations, making it easy for us to find them whenever we want. Heaven Admin, do you like this idea?
Heavenletters and Barbara Dixon’s Radio Show, Spirit Speaks

This was a great show, if I say so myself. Barbara has a way with her guests. She does a great job. The one hour on her show seemed like only two minutes!
Here’s where you can listen in: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Spirit-Speaks/2009/08/03/HeavenLetters.
Barbara is a long-time subscriber and friend to Heavenletters. She is a life coach and the author of 7 Principles for Purposeful Living http://www.mindfulresolutions.net
Heavenly Tweets - @heavenletters
Follow Heavenletters on Twitter. Tweet your friends with #heavenletters or #heaven in the tweet. Add the Heaven Twitter feed to your rss reader.
Dear Heavenreaders,
The comments from Heavenreaders on the Heavenletter Spiritual Community Forum are amazing. Each comment is like another note of God’s Song being played. I am enriched by everyone’s posts. http://www.heavenletters.org/heaven-community.html
And the comments on the blog are remarkable as well. www.godwriting.org
We have been missing your posts on the forum or blog.
We would love more of you.
With love and blessings,
The 2 Dearest Donations were really big for the people who sent them.
One was an old very wrinkled 5-dollar bill that had been folded and refolded many times. It came in the mail.
Another was a recent Paypal donation of $3.00.
How big are the hearts who sent these. We are so grateful.
God bless us all.
Please say your donation is personal so that Paypal doesn’t charge us extra for goods and services.
Or contributions can be mailed to:
Gloria Wendroff
703 E. Burlington Avenue
Fairfield, Iowa 52556
God bless you.
With love,
Gloria and the Spectacular Heaven Team
Ending Quote
“What if you are truly an angel sent to Earth in the guise of Human Being?”
Heavenletter #2507 In the Guise of Human Being