Heaven News 9 March 2007
Welcome, New Subscribers, from all over God’s magnificent Universe!
Featured New Subscriber
Dear Heavenreaders
Thank you, Websites and Ezines
News from The European Godwriting™ Institute
Bravo, Heaven Volunteer Angel Team
God Quote
Welcome, New Subscribers, from all over God’s magnificent Universe!

Missouri, Massachusetts, New York, North Carolina, Minnesota, Tennessee, Florida, South Carolina, Hawaii, Virginia, Louisiana, Wisconsin, California, Utah, Georgia, New Hampshire, Iowa, Indiana, Utah, Arizona, Illinois, Nevada, Texas, Ohio, Colorado, Oregon, Rhode Island, Mississippi, Massachusetts
Norway India
New Zealand
United Kingdom Indonesia
Nepal Egypt
Argentina Scotland
United Arab Emirates
Featured New Subscriber
From India comes Kambala, who takes care of many children who do not have families of their own. Here the children are getting a snack. There are so many beautiful God-serving people in the world. God bless you, Kambala.

Dear Heavenreaders,
God bless you for spreading God’s love and wisdom through Heavenletters. Many of you have been here a long time, blessing us all. Thank all of you who send Heavenletters to your friends and so spread God’s love and wisdom. Thank you, thank you.
Here are two recent comments from Heaven subscribers who have been sending Heavenletters out to their friends. From a recent subscriber:
I wanted to thank you for Heavenletter #2287 The Bridge Between – my husband died 2 weeks ago, and this letter has really helped. I have passed it on to friends and family. I’ve printed it, and I read it several times a day. I have been able to thank God for taking my husband to Himself even though I cry and grieve for his physical presence. Now I have to determine who I am.
This is part of a letter a subscriber wrote to a friend:
I think reading the day’s Heavenletter is the most wonderful, inspiring, balancing, and loving way to start everyday. Surely it has changed many lives around the world, and has helped to make this planet better with all the energy each of us releases to our atmosphere. I truly believe all Heaven Readers are connected around the world through the reading, and that we build an energy grid that benefits even those who are not reading Heavenletters yet. Also, I am sure it is the best option to invest our tithes to help keep this miracle happening. The site is at www.heavenletters.org There you can find the link to subscribe. Or you can subscribe at: heavenletters.org/maillist/index.php
Another subscriber shared her personal question to God and God’s answer on the Heaven blog. She had a dark situation, one it seemed that couldn’t possibly be resolved. Because of God’s answer and Nancy’s openness and willingness, truly, a miracle occurred. Nancy later posted the following:
These letters from God are directly responsible. They have made such a change in my thinking I almost don’t recognize myself, but the woman in the mirror looking back is doing good. Everything is good….
Be sure to read about this amazing transformation here: Nancy's Question to God III In-laws
Dear Heavenreaders, after God, you are the mainstay of Heavenletters. I am so grateful for you. Now, I would like to ask you to share your exquisite comments by posting them on the Heaven Community Forum and/or Heaven Blog. The technical angels have made it as easy as possible for you to post your thoughts, ideas, questions etc. It is important that we do this.
By the way, on both places, be sure to sign up to be notified of postings. The forum calls it Forum Subscription, and it’s up top. Check every box. The blog calls it Notify or Notification, and it’s at the bottom!
The Heaven Community Forum heavenletters.org/angelsplace/index.php
The Heaven Blog www.godwriting.org
Thank you, Websites and Ezines, for Sharing Heavenletters
Magda of www.Lightworker.it now features Heavenletters on her spectacular site that diffuses God’s light all over Italy. See how beautiful it is. Paula, who translates Heavenletters into Italian, introduced Magda to us. Thanks, Paula.
Iagia of www.selfgrowth.com is adding a full web page dedicated to Heavenletters on their site. It may not be up yet, but will be soon. For those of you who have web sites, Self Growth is happy to offer this to you as well:
Donna of www.divinedivadelights.com interviewed me regarding Heavenletters. You can find the interview on Donna’s site here www.divinedivadelights.com and also in two entries on Heaven’s blog www.godwriting.org
Lumara of www.lightseedsjewelry.com/weboflight.html features HEAVEN #2278 Great Light on her home page.
Sandie Sedgebeer of www.planetlightworker.com included HEAVEN #2245 Believe and HEAVEN #2252 Old Dreams in their latest issue.
Lady Isis of home1.gte.net/ladyisis updates her website with HEAVEN #2266 The Splendor of Love; HEAVEN #2267 Within the Realm of Possibilities; HEAVEN #2269 Inner Life; and HEAVEN #2273 Patterns
Thank you all. I sure hope I’ve remembered everyone.
News from The European Godwriting™ Institute
God bless Panos Axiomakaros who wrote:
I was recently invited and participated for 2 hours in a Greek TV program where we discussed for the public the subject of Heavenletters™ and Godwriting™. Excellent discussion with the participation of an Italian University professor, a well known Greek philosopher and a well known Greek physician. In the next days I will receive the DVD of the TV Show and will send a copy to you.
February 10-11, we have had the second Godwriting™ workshop in Athens, and February 24-25 the third Godwriting workshop in North Middle Greece in the city of Volos.
I have given the Heavenletters book to a professional lady at a university, requesting that she submit an idea for preparing a script for a Heavenletter movie...
Regarding German-speaking countries I am working on a promotion and marketing plan - also for the Easter time - and soonest I am ready I will inform you about it.
I do have as well a plan for Europe ( Italy and Turkey) that I will explain soon.
Everyday our silent work is more and more accepted and respected by the public, and the book is selling good.
Bravo, Heaven Volunteer Angel Team
We have another Spanish translator -- María Eugenia. She works with Alexiis in Argentina. Thank you, and welcome, Maria. God bless all the translators who give Heavenletters to those who want to read Heavenletters in their own language.
I do not know how to express my gratitude to all the angels who carry Heaven. There is a long list.
Everything they do is magnificent. A million dollars couldn’t pay for their skills and dedication, their conscientiousness, and their consciousness and supreme awareness. They are always looking out for Heavenletters. Their presence is a gift. They are examples of true service to God.
They take huge responsibility, like for the website, the forum, the blog, the OEM data base, translating, things that couldn’t be done without them and their generosity.
And, also, no job is too small. They take over even the routine things that I can do, have done, like sending out the translations, for example. Getting each translation ready and mailed out takes about fifteen steps, and every step requires paying careful attention. Heaven angels have totally lifted all that from my shoulders. I would say, including the daily English and twice a week Heavenletters, they have relieved me of an hour’s work a day, and, most spectacularly, I don’t have to have it on my mind.
And, not only do they do all these things, they do them serenely.
They won’t even let me thank them. When I try, I get responses like this:
“It’s very very easy for us. You will be surprised how simple it is for us. It’s not work at all. We are most happy and blessed.”
And I am left at a loss for words.
God Quote:
“You are the journeyer I have sent out to send Me post cards. You tell Me the truth of your perception, yet the truth of your perception is often not true. Often you have written: ‘Wish You were here,’ when I am inevitably by your side. Know with Whom you are walking.”
Heaven #2283 Behold the Garden
(Suggested by Mike Meyer. Thanks, Mike.)