Heaven News 6 May 2006
2000th Heavenletter Celebration
Speaking of Translations
New Subscribers and How They Got Here!
New Godwriters
New Entries on the Heaven Blog
Heavenletters Community Forum and God Quotes
The stunning graphics and idea for 2000th Celebration
the lighthouse, the shining rays, the balloons, the wording, the intent, all Mojah Media’s doing. www.mojahmedia.net Thank you.
As for the upcoming web site that Mojah Media is providing Heavenletters, Santhan tells us that we are waiting for the completion of a translation module. What this means is that volunteer translators from around the world will soon be able to login and translate as they wish and post their translations directly to the web site and then their translations will also be automatically sent out to subscribers. This is pretty amazing.
At the present time, I have to reformat the translations, do some HTML to them -- well, do about ten steps before they can be sent. The theme of Mojah Media is, not surprisingly: The Joy of Simplicity. When Mojah Media completes their vision, there will be little left for me to do. I picture myself sitting with my feet up, perhaps lolling in a hammock, simply smiling from ear to ear.
Of course, I am already smiling. How could it be otherwise? Heavenletters and everything connected with it, the content, volunteers, subscribers – all gifts from the Universe.
Speaking of translations, Paula Launonen
...in addition to translating Heavenletters for about four years has also translated the entire 100 Heavenletters of the first E-book into beautiful Italian. Lettere d’Amore da Dio. Do you feel as I do that you can understand Italian? Here are some of the titles that I’m sure I know the meaning of!

La Visione d’Unità
La Porta Aperta del Vostro Cuore
Il Momento Presente
Dite Ciao a Dio
Il Silenzio dell’Amore
La Missione di Dio
By the way, the title to the first translated ebook is Apri il Tuo Cuore – Open Your Heart. To find the translated ebook, go to www.heavenletters.org, click on the Italian flag and then 'Libri e CD' (Books and CD).
Pablo Vaudagna of Mojah Media, Argentina, I am happy to say, has begun translating e-books into Spanish.
Here’s how to say Heaven in the following languages that Heavenletters have been translated in:
Italian/Spanish - CieloTurkish - Cennet
Dutch - Hemel
German - Der Himmel
Polish - Niebo
We are so fortunate in the translators that we have had, and we are so very grateful:
Turkish - Engin Vural German- VeroniKA Walsch Polish - Szymon Wojciechowski Spanish - Alexiis, María E. Rondon, Pablo Vaudagna, Pedro Galvez, Renzo Garcia Dutch - Emmy Bouwman, Gert Overweggert, Bert Menninga Italian - Paula Launonen Hungarian -Gina Lantos (in process)If you would like to translate Heavenletters into your native language, we would love to have you. All languages. Even if your language is one we already have, you’re still needed. Please apply! Today!
New Subscribers and How They Got Here!
New subscribers since the last Heaven News are from India, South Africa, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Norway, Aruba, The Philippines, Ghana, Germany, Mauritius, and of course the United States. Thank you all so very much for wanting to read Heavenletters and helping to bring peace and wholeness to the world.
Readers come from somewhere! Most new subscribers find out about Heavenletters:
1. Through readers who send them to their friends2. Through web sites and newsletters and links that feature Heavenletters.
3. And, occasionally, someone finds Heavenletters through a Google Search.
However someone finds us, we’re glad, and grateful.
As an example of the second way, recently Lady Isis updated her web site with beautifully displayed Heavenletters. Take a look.
home1.gte.netNew Earth Publication’s Planetlightworker has also posted recent Heavenletters on their site and in their e-zine.
Planet Light Worker Be sure to visit.Interestingly, Lady Isis and Planetlightworker both included #1988 When Hearts Close.
New Godwriters
Meeting this Sunday, May 7, at Gloria’s house 1:30. Looking forward to meeting with you again and catching up on all your Godwriting. Refreshments will be served.New Entries on the Heaven blog since last Heaven News:
· More About Personal Godwriting· Personal Godwriting
· 10 Things That Bother Me
· Dreams Come True
· Mom - Guest Entry by Lauren, Gloria's Daughter
· How To End All Wars II
· A Neverending Story -- Interactive with YOU!
· Microsoft Has a Lot to Learn
Neverending Story – at this writing (a few days before this Heaven News is published) -- here are the last two installments.
From One on May 2, 2006:
…[Amaranda had] the feeling that something was tingling in an area that felt like her heart.
It was more than physical. It was almost like a sound. A constant vibration. In the hustle
and bustle of the city, she found it very difficult to focus on, but promised to look into
when she had a moment of quiet. As she passed Apu’s newspaper stand, she noticed
a flyer stuck on the side of the stand. It was an invitation to…
From Jo on May 3, 2006:
…join a meditation group that was just forming. The photo on the flyer stopped her in her
tracks. It was of a beautiful mountaintop meadow, brilliant with wildflowers dancing in the wind.
She felt that wind stir her hair about her face and the goosebumps - goddessbumps! - of
recognition. She made a quick mental note of the contact info on the flyer, gave herself a
little shake and continued on her way to –
Might you also like to add to this story? www.godwriting.org
Heavenletters Community Forum and God Quotes:
Also, people are posting some of their favorite Heavenletter quotes on the Heavenletters Community Forum . www.heavenletters.org
So this Heaven News will end with thanks and blessings to all of you from all of us, even though we know we are One, and with a few Heaven quotes that Jo sent in:
"Your angel wings reside in your hearts, beloveds.
There are no unwinged hearts. By their very nature
hearts are winged."
"Only love may enter and only love may stay. Here
lies a heart of love."
"Within the chambers of your heart reverberates yourr
truth. Truth never leaves."
"You have many choices in life, but where your love
lands is not meant to be one of them."