Heaven News 28 August 2006
Welcome to New Subscribers!
Godwriting™ Workshop Great Falls, Montana
Heavenletter Power Point Presentations
National and International Publishing News – More and More!
International Godwriting™ Workshop News – Greece, Germany, Romania, and Albania
Quick Notes
God Quote
Welcome to New Subcribers!
South Africa, Malaysia, Australia, Mexico, Italy, India, Albania, Canada, Zimbabwe, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Denmark.
Georgia, New York, Texas, Connecticut, California, Washington, West Virginia, Indiana, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, Maryland, Arizona, Michigan, Oregon, Vermont, Illinois.
Twenty-three new subscribers arrived in one day, August 24! Soon enough twenty-three new subscribers will be common, but right now it is special. Who brought all these wonderful new subscribers in one day? Something happened. Someone or something introduced Heavenletters with a bang. I wish we had a way of knowing. I wonder if we can add to the subscription sign-up form something like: How did you hear of Heavenletters? or Who referred you? or Comment? Then we would be able to thank whoever did this wonderful thing. Or until that time, perhaps, new subscribers, you will post how you were introduced to Heavenletters on the Heavenletters Community Forum http://heavenletters.org/angelsplace/index.php
Since there were quite a few new subscribers on that day from Florida, I suspect that many may have come from Gary Schineller and his web site and the Hello from My Heart project he is sponsoring from September 11 to 21. www.hellofrommyheart.com
Godwriting™ Workshop Great Falls, Montana
Come one, come all. Saturday and Sunday afternoons, September 9 and 10, 1 to 4:30
Golden Room at the Ursuline Centre, 2300 Central Avenue, Great Falls, MT 59401. Rooms are available at the Ursuline Center. Phone (406) 452-8585 or Email centre@ursulinecentre.com. Email Carol Mauer maurer43@bresnan.net God bless you, Carol, for making this workshop possible. I look forward so much to seeing you again -- and all the beautiful people I met in Great Falls when I was there last time - and all the new ones this time.
Montana is a great state. The beauty is incredible. Carol and Larry will take me on a tour of Montana. Last time Larry had a plane and flew me around!
Brian Logsdon sponsored the first Montana workshop. Brian will interview me again on the Teach Only Love TV Show on Friday, September 8. The show will be taped at 12:00 noon and on the air that day at 5:30 PM.
Brian also wrote:
“I will make some PowerPoint slides for use on this show, depicting Heaven, Love Letters from God, Book One, advertising the workshop, etc. It should be fun!”
This brings up the next subject!
Heavenletter Multi-media Presentations
Dr. Laura De Giorgio put a gorgeous presentation together.http://www.deeptrancenow.com/heavenletters.html
Laura also created a screen saver which you are welcome to download:http://www.deeptrancenow.com/heavenletters.exe All of this is a gift from Dr. Laura. She is also putting together the presentation in other languages. Laura has created a powerful tool for introducing Heavenletters.
Recently I received this email:
“I received some time back a power point presentation which, I think was entitled 'Love Letter from God'. That was breathtaking beauty. Do you have any more PP presentations on similar subjects? If so please share them with me. Anita”
Anita’s email started me thinking that we need more presentations. Voila, Brian’s email about the presentation he is making arrived! Is God right? Can our thoughts be that powerful? Well, yes, they can!
Is there anyone else out there who would like to put a Heavenletter presentation or two together? That would be wonderful. There is certainly enough material in Heavenletters for hundreds of flash presentations. Are you someone who would like to make one? Please do, and let me know you are and how I can help.
National and International Publishing News
HeavenLetters' newest E-book, Come, Enter the Palace, E-book 17, 100 great Heavenletters, is now up. Carolyn Evers www.ArchangelMichaelsConclave.com wrote the beautiful foreword. Download Come Enter the Palace here:http://www.heavenletters.org/ebookorder.html An easy donation is requested.
The next edition of I am Miracle II, www.iamamiracle.com scheduled for late 2006 or early 2007 includes A Moment of Miracle from Heaven’s blog and also Heavenletter #2095, Surprise Yourself, which Jana, editor and Heaven subscriber, chose. Some of the authors represented in the first I Am a Miracle book are: Mark Victor Hansen, Mary Manin Morrissey, and Dr. Michael Beckwith. Thanks, Jana!
Monica Visan of Publishing for You www.editura-foryou.ro in Romania is sending a book contract for me to sign. Here are just some of the authors her company publishes:
Neale Donald Walsch http://www.nealedonaldwalsch.com/index.cfm
Paul Ferrini http://www.paulferrini.com/
Marianne Williamson http://marianne.com/book/index.htm
Debbie Ford http://www.debbieford.com/
Dr. Deepak Chopra http://www.chopra.com
Shirley MacLaine http://www.shirleymaclaine.com/
James Twyman http://www.jamestwyman.com
Doreen Virtue http://www.doreenvirtue.com
Stuart Wilde http://www.stuartwilde.com/
Drunvalo http://www.stuartwilde.com/
Greg Braden http://www.greggbraden.com/
Russ Michael http://www.hazard.co.nz/Soulmates.html Age-reversal@aon.at Russ Michael is the gentleman who initially contacted publishers on Heaven’s behalf and got this whole publishing ball rolling!
And now to Bolero Publishing, Ltd. Panos Axiomakaros has come forward to champion Heavenletters all through Europe. You already know he is publishing Heavenletters, Love Letters from God, Book One, in Greek and German. Many of Heaven’s volunteers have started to translate the book, and are trying to complete their translations by the end of October. These include Veronika, German; Engin, Turkish; Leen, Dutch; Paula, Italian, and Silke, Albanian. I hope I’m not leaving anyone out. I believe that Bolero Publishing already has its Greek translator, or Maria would be translating also. I don’t know where such great people as Heaven’s dedicated translators come from. It has to be that God hand-picked them.
Now I want to tell you more about Panos Axiomakaros whom God chose as well. Here are some of his credentials:
Prof. Panos Axiomakaros DDipl.-Ing., MA.
Studied Civil Engineering, Economics and Psychology
Founding President of Olympian University
Director of Paul MacLean Institute and International Faculty Member of Prenatal University
Founded and Named the Disciplines"Chronopsychology" and "Photopsychology"
Former Lecturer in Intuitive Management for the University of Wisconsin-SP ELI and delegate for Greece and Cyprus
Gold Medal Winner for Excellent Product Quality of the Zagreb International Fair
Member of the International Expert Advisory Committee on the Alzheimer's Report of the European Institute of Women's Health
Host in Greece of the Global Consciousness Project, Princeton University
Member of the Association for Global New Thought
A Prior Executive and Now Seminar Leader and Advisor to Various International Organizations and Individuals Providing Consulting
Services That Help People Make Effective Use of the Evolutional Change
Spiritual Healer, Teacher and Consultant
Originator of ASK (Advanced Soul's Katharsis)
Author of Selected Publications including: "Brain Jogging", "ThinkOgram: The Hyperpsychology of the New Millennium" and co-author of "Managing Chaos: The Management System of the New Millennium" & "Teaming Chaos"
Accreditation Coordinator and Coordinator of the Catering for the Olympic Games "ATHENS 2004"
Originator of "EmoCinema"
Publisher of the "What Is Enlightenment?" magazine
I do not begin to know how to tell you how happy and grateful I am that Panos is moving full-force to bring God’s words in Heavenletters to millions of people in Europe. It is he who invited me to Europe as his guest, and it is he who is initiating, sponsoring, and coordinating Godwriting workshops in Europe. I believe he is giving us his Consulting Services that help people make effective use of evolutional change.
It is still pending with the esteemed American Publisher. We have corresponded back and forth, and we also had another telephone conversation. I’m on pins and needles, waiting for him to make a decision. Send him your good wishes, and let’s see what happens!
International Godwriting™ Workshop News – Letter from Silke
Veronika and Adrachin wrote that The Munich Godwriting Workshop may be held at the Tutzing Castle. Wow!
Workshops and book signings will be given in Greece, Germany, Romania, and Albania. There are so many things that happen in our lives that we never had any idea would happen. Heavenletters is one for me. This book tour is another! I am so very fortunate.
Here’s Albania and the beautiful person and new Heaven translator who offered to sponsor a workshop there:
Dear Gloria,
I have an Albanian-language inspirational mailing list and online radio show (both the only ones of its kind in Albanian), and I produce on my computer a magazine. I will include translations of Heavenletters in all three of them.
By the way, I subscribed to the Italian and Greek Heavenletters not for myself - I only know very few Greek words, and in Italian I only understand half -- but for the Albanians who understand these languages. And today an Italian Heavenletter arrived, and I printed it out, have already discovered the English translation in the forum, and when I go to town tomorrow I'll take it with me for the first one I meet and who knows Italian. I have also forwarded this Italian version to another mailing list, where some of the Albanian members live in Italy.
Then I will of course point the Albanians in my list (and the other ones I send the translations to) to this forum. By the way, my working languages are German (my mother tongue! I have emigrated to the Albanian Mediterranean), Albanian, English, French, and Portuguese. But I'll only translate the letters into Albanian, because this is what is in my heart.
I have just printed out most material from www.heavenletters.org, plus the ebook and the latest Heavenletters and two Heavenletters in Greek and will take them to church - what a coincidence that we have American guests! - and pray for you and for blessings for our Godwriting workshop. I carry with me some copies of my magazine "We are the Light" to give it to people I meet. Now I will always carry my Heavenletters folder with me, and when people invite me for coffee - a nice custom in Albania - I'll talk with them about the Godwriting workshop and the Heavenletters.
My ideas and plans for the workshop in Albania are:
- reading translations at my online radio. Here is the soundfile I have made from that Heavenletter and which is uploaded to Radio "Ne jemi Drita / We are the Light"! http://www.live365.com/stations/liria1312
- talking to the cultural department of the municipal administration, because this will be an important cultural event ... perhaps they could help us to organize a little cocktail (don't expect anything; they are usually very modest here);
- finding out which companies advertise with ballpoint pens and asking if they could donate some for participants who have forgotten to bring one
- making and distributing a press kit
I hope you will stay one day more, in order to see the excavations of Butrint! Because I don't only want you to work, but also to come to know Albania a little bit and to enjoy your stay!
At the Saranda Book Fair I have observed that slowly but surely, self-help and spirituality is on the rise, there are even publishing houses specialized in these themes. But unlike on the book stands, it is still quite marginal in the consciousness and life of peoples. Therefore a GodwritingI™ meets a latent thirst.
I haven't told you yet that I have founded a public library specialized on these subjects, the library "Hope" (about 1600 books so far), the biggest one with this specialization on the Albanian Balkans.
I have a dream of starting a spiritual center in Saranda.
And - coincidence/synchronicity! - the last weeks I have been thinking that I would like to do spiritual writing, just like Godwriting, in order to give to others what I REALLY have to give, and to uplift the minds and souls of the readers.
Love & Light,
Silke Liria Blumbach
Quick Notes
Dear Heavenreaders, please post on the Heavenletters Community Forum http://heavenletters.org/angelsplace/index.php Here’s where you can tell about your own spiritual journey, miracles in your life or in the news, meaningful books and movies, your own creative writing and your comments on Heavenletters. I would love to read your postings on the forum. This is better than sending to me privately.
You know, I used to get lots of emails extolling specific Heavenletters, such wonderful comments. Because of necessity, I urged everyone to post their comments on the forum so more people could enjoy your insights and so I can spend more time on projects. For months and months, I wasn’t receiving these emails nor were they on the forum. Well, Santhan discovered that the particular email address people were replying to wasn’t working! He found all those emails, went to the trouble of eliminating all the spam ones, and sent me fifty of these most supportive emails a day for several days. I wouldn’t have wanted to miss reading even one of those emails.
I continue to request that you post your Heavenletter comments on the forum. I absolutely read every single posting. Actually, I receive your postings in my inbox like any other email. The beauty of your posting your comments is that everyone can read them and benefit and respond. I love your writing, and I love your comments. Let other people love them too. Please bless us all by posting your comments. Thank you.
Also remember the Heaven blog. www.godwriting.org. There is place for comments here as well!
New entries are:
10 Little Memories That Make Me Happy - sweet
Sequel to California, how I love you. - fun
Computer Junkie - Have a good laugh on me
Passport Photo - wonderful
I would also like to direct you to a remarkable comment under the entry called Beautiful People. It is from Diviah, Santhan’s father, dated August 22, and it is one of the most touching writings I have ever read. You’ll find it here http://www.godwriting.org/godwriting/beautiful-people.htm
God bless you for reading Heavenletters and Heaven News and for spreading the light of Heaven.
With love,
Gloria and the Heaven Team
God Quotes:
Back to contents....“The world will flourish in the sunlight of your thoughts.”
Heaven #2100