Heaven News 19 May 2006
Video Presentation of Heavenletters™
One-Man Campaign to Have Heavenletters Published Around the World
Bolero Publications, Ltd., Athens, Greece
Engin Vural, Translator, Ankara, Turkyye
Ildsjelen Magazine from Norway
More Showers from Heaven
New Heavenreaders from 16 Countries and 20 U.S. States
News from Paula Launonen, Translator, Italy
Precious Heavenreaders and E-books
Blog Entries
Heaven Quotes
Dear Heavenreaders,
Children of God,
When I was in fourth grade and learned about Samuel Morse, the inventor of the wireless, I recognized even then the perfection of the very first words on the teletype – “What hath God wrought?”
That phrase runs through my mind a lot, especially since Heavenletters. No wonder. Look at the angels God sends:
Dr. Laura De Giorgio www.deeptrancenow.com stayed up one whole night making a video presentation of Heavenletters™.
Inspiring movie presentation: Journey Into Oneness from Heavenletters: Love Letters from God

Heavenletters Movie Presentation
Get inspired and uplifted with Journey into Oneness free movie presentation with excerpts from Heavenletters: Love Letters from God - Movie Presentation is about 9 min long You can access it directly through this link: http://www.deeptrancenow.com/heavenletters.html
Here are just a few comments from the Heavenletters fans who had the opportunity to preview the movie:
"It is soooooooooooo beautiful, so lovely, so heart-warming, so gently sliding into my heart." - Shirley
"I love it" – Larry
"It is wonderful! Very, very touching, beautiful, creative, great. I want to share it with as many people as I can" - Engin
"The video is awesome! It opened my crown chakra." - Paula
"Well ... the pictures are among the most beautiful I've ever seen ... and of course I agree with every word. Reading some of them against that heavenly music made my heart soar and seem to palpitate with gentle joy! By the time they said something like "We rise up together" I was rising!!! " - Louise
"I just had the experience of my life! Watching the video you made. My cup runneth over. It was sooooo powerful. Who could not be in love with God after that!" - Gloria
Dr. Laura will also turn this video into all languages that translators translate it into. If we want some audio clips for our website, she will create lovely audio play buttons. She has also made a screen saver and some mini-pics, all from the goodness of her heart. Showers from Heaven indeed! If you enjoy, please share with friends.
Russ Michael, One-Man Publicity Campaign
Speaking of angels and goodness, Russ Michael Age-reversal@aon.at continues to tell publishers everywhere about Heavenletters in the most blazing terms:
“***(Not a book about or for RELIGION))) It transcends religion!! ***a goldmine here!!
“…WORDS can not do justice to the stockpile of unique, 2008 AWESOME ‘letters from God’ already written and on file ---which will easily make an exciting, uplifting SERIES OF 7 or 8 BEST SELLER books!! I have been posting one of these Heavenletters daily in my ‘Michael Worldwide Newsletter’ for over a year now----and can hardly wait daily to read, digest and savor the PURE WISDOM that emanates from each daily new letter THAT makes my SOUL SOAR ON WINGS!!!”
Michael’s soon-to-be-published fascinating books are about Soul Mates and Twin Flames. Michael is the author who coined the expression Soul Mate.
Panos Axiomakaros, Publisher, Bolero Publications, Ltd., Greece
Because of Michael’s one-man campaign, another esteemed publisher, Panos Axiomakaros of Bolero Publications, Ltd., Athens, GREECE, has come forward to express an interest in publishing Heavenletters. I am thrilled to have Heavenletters being published in Greece.
If you look up Panos Axiomakaros on Google, you will see that his accomplishments are many and varied. Associated with the Olympian University in Athens, he is a noted educator and lecturer as well as publisher. He has organized and coordinated aspects of international events, including the Olympics. Panos Axiomakaros has written articles on global consciousness, spiritual response therapy, fractal music, color therapy, importance of emotions, and DNA wiring. Prosopognosis is a working title for his upcoming book on the importance of emotions. His company has acquired the rights for the documentary, In Another Life: Reincarnation In America.
I look forward to a lifetime association with this high-consciousness publisher. And I am certainly grateful to
Next Door to Greece is Turkye
It is interesting to me, too, that one of our avid translators, Engin Vural, who lives next door to Greece in Türkýye, writes about the same time:
“I want to begin to work on translating The Heaven Book. I have already chosen the Publisher. DHARMA is its name... You can begin to radiate your best wishes and blessings to the owners as well....”
Engin, you may be sure I send best wishes and blessings to you and everyone!
And now, translations from Norway:
“I am an editor of a Norwegian spiritual magazine called Ildsjelen. www.ildsjelen.noIldsjelen means in English – firesoul. It’s something like a person burning for something he believes in.
“In two of the last issues of Ildsjelen I have printed five Heavenletters, translated by Brit Weisz.
1854 - Harmony Extends - Harmoni utvider seg
1858 - The Greater Motivation - Den større motivasjonen
1691 - What do you say? - Hva sier dere?
1788 - The Doorway - Døren
1368 Greater than Enlightenment - Større enn opplysning
“I finished my newest website last week www.verdensfred.no That means wordpeace, how to create world peace by changing humanity’s beliefs. This will be translated into English soon. You know, many peace initiatives come from Norway, like Nobel Prize, so I feel it’s a good place to start here in Norway trying to bring the ‘peacemovement’ a step further. As it mostly is now, the world tries to change how people behave. But real change comes from inside, deep inside.
I also publish spiritual books.
Klem og kjærlighet!
(hugs and love)
Henning Jon Grini”
Adrachin, Administrator of the Heavenletters Community Forum, has or will very soon have, translations from Norway up on the forum. http://heavenletters.org/angelsplace/index.php
And More Showers from Heaven – Assorted News
At the time this Heaven News is being put together – a day or two before actual publication -- and since last Heaven News, we are happy to welcome new Heavenreaders from the following countries:
Canada, Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Norway, India, Brazil, Nova Scotia, U.K., Peru, Mexico, Italy, Israel, Nigeria, and Croatia!
In the U.S., not everyone tells us what state they’re from, but most do, and so we’re happy to welcome new Heavenreaders from:
New York, Florida, California, Vermont, Hawaii, Utah, North Carolina, New Mexico, Nebraska, Illinois, Massachusetts, Alabama, Colorado, Washington, Virginia, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Maine, New Hampshire, and Texas!
Paula Launonen,
Heaven’s Italian translator (the first translator Heaven ever had) has translated Neil’s question to God and God’s answer. It’s posted on the Community Forum as Domanda personale di Neil. Neil’s question originally appeared in www.godwriting.org. Neil is a radio celebrity in London.
Paula has also recently asked a question of God, and here is some of her response to what God told her:
“I chose to translate HEAVEN #1714 "What more can you ask of a world that gives you chocolate? Che altro si può chiedere ad un mondo che vi dà il cioccolato?" This Heavenletter fits the lighter feeling I have in my heart since God answered my question.
“I renamed myself the Joy of God, as He asked me to do. And in my heart I can see a baby face, a sun, that keeps laughing and dancing. God's answer seems to have various layers, and every time I reread it, it's as if I never read it before. The most enlightening phrase that keeps giving me great insight is this: “You may think your discomfort is about you and the world, but it is all about Us, beloved.” This gave me a great sense of freedom and a new perspective on life. I thank God again.”
Precious Heavenreaders and E-books
Every Heavenreader is precious. Today I just want to tell you about one special lady who downloads each Heaven e-book, donates faithfully, prints out each Heavenletter, inserts into a plastic sheet, and files in notebooks. She also prints out extra copies of her most favorite Heavenletters, rolls them up, ties a ribbon around them, and when at Walmart’s, or wherever she sees someone who seems to need uplifting, she hands them a Heavenletter, and says: “This is for you.” Of course, they thank her, and we can only enjoy thinking what happens later!
And many thanks and blessings to everyone who forwards Heavenletters to friends. And thank you for letting me know who you are.
By the way, E-book 13 is just coming out. Robert FitzGerald, author of Signs of Our Times, wrote a great foreword. And God did very well too! Don’t miss this E-book!
Heaven Blog
Here are recent entries in the www.godwriting.org blog:
· Where Godwriting™ Began
· How to End All Wars III
· God's Answer to Neil's Personal Question
· The Process of Godwriting™
With love and blessings,
Gloria, Godwriter and The Heaven Team
God Quotes -- Heaven Haiku
(from Karen, Hawaii)
God said know your thoughts
Your thoughts are multipliers
Whatever they are
God said come with Me
We travel Eternity
In fact We are here
God said accept this
You are here to give the love
That I give to you