Heaven News 14 February 2007 Valentines Day
Welcome to New Subscribers Everywhere
Welcome to New Subscribers around the U.S.
Welcome to 2 New Translators!
Calling Nevada Heavenreaders
Marvelous Entries – The Heavenletters Community Forum
Heaven Blog Entries -- Read Them All
Preview of Fantastic E-Book Foreword
How to Say “I love you” in Dutch
God Quote
Dear Heavenreaders
Welcome to New Subscribers Everywhere
Welcome to New Subscribers around the Universe!
Italy Puerto Rico
South Africa
United Arab Emirates Ireland
Argentina The Netherlands
United Kingdom Spain
Personal Flag of Suzanna Basel, Switzerland

What a great idea! To make a flag that represents yourself!
Welcome Subscribers from the United States

New Mexico, Virginia, North Carolina, Ohio, California, Florida, New York, Mississippi, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, Kentucky, Georgia, Texas, Tennessee, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Hawaii, Illinois, South Carolina, West Virginia, Washington, Arizona, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Utah
Welcome to two new translators!
Berit of Italy is now also translating Heavenletters into Italian.
Margarita of Guatemala is now also translating Heavenletters into Spanish.
Thank you, Berit and Margarita, and thank you, all translators for your constant love offerings.
Calling Nevada Heavenreaders!
Come on out for Godwriting™ Workshop in Minden, Nevada!
Saturday and Sunday, March 17 and 18
1 - 5 P.M. One workshop in two sessions.
Sacred Spiral Studio
1558 First Street, Minden, NV 89423
Call Michelle 775 782-4313
Email: michellegabler@yahoo.com
Michelle is offering this workshop by donation, and she and her team suggest $100.
Thank you, Michelle, for making this workshop possible.
Marvelous Entries -- The Heavenletter Community Forum
Want to be inspired? Read what Forum members have to say, and post your own ideas about:
Specific Heavenletters Miracles in Your LifeYour Own Spiritual Journey
Your Own Creative Writing
Other Spiritual Messages
Translators’ Corner
Heaven Haikus by Karen
Heaven Comics by Yacu (Just added)
Welcoming New Members
On the forum, you will meet some amazing Heavenreaders who bare their hearts and souls and would love to read your responses to what they write.
There are many postings you don’t want to miss. Here are only a few:
Lady Isis’ opinion heavenletters.org/angelsplace/viewtopic
If you’ve ever lost a loved one heavenletters.org/angelsplace/viewtopic
A touching spiritual journey heavenletters.org/angelsplace/viewtopic
About words and expressions heavenletters.org/angelsplace/viewtopic
Heaven Blog – Most Recent Entries - Read Them All and Post Your Comments
The Flowering PearLove
Despite Love
Happy Marriage
Happy Marriage II
Heavenpetals -- Santhan to God
Nancy's Questions to God I
Things You Wouldn’t Know Unless I Told You II
Nancy’s Question to God II Mothers
Personal Private Names
Fantastic Foreword to E-Book 21
When I heard, at the last minute, about Gloria's Godwriting™ workshop in Montana, I had already been doing something I called inspirational writing. I decided to go to the workshop as a way of giving myself a treat and taking some time out for my spiritual growth. What a treat it was! When Gloria introduced herself, from my first sight of her sweet face and beautiful smile, I felt her warmth and genuineness, her openness and love. I felt she was personally interested in each of us. I was particularly touched by her humility. Gloria said many times throughout the day that all inspiration comes from God, and that God-writing isn't about her but about God and our Oneness with the Divine. She assured us that we all are capable of listening to God's Voice if we just let go of our own thoughts.
Throughout the day I was not only touched by what Spirit spoke to my heart and I wrote down in my notebook, but by all the other participants' inspired writing. Each message was so personal to the person writing it, and yet there was a universal message as well. That is what I find each day when I read Heavenletters™. The message speaks to the heart in such a personal way, as if God is speaking just to me. And yet, I know many others feel the same way.
I have used readings from the first book of Heavenletters as part of the preparation for a meditation group. When each person shares how it spoke to her, it is amazing how differently each person hears it. God truly is a personal God who speaks to our hearts, more than our minds. Therefore when the heart is open, the truth pours in and heals our distorted views and we are transformed in mind, body and spirit as we make use of the in-sight that frees us from our old ways of seeing life.
I also find I can read a certain Heavenletter over and over, and the truth of it sinks in more and more deeply as I reflect on, not the words per se, but on the feeling of the letter. Heavenletters are always full of loving encouragement, while at the same time challenging me to grow into deeper understanding of who I am in the Divine Cosmic Unity I feel and hear in the letters. I get to swim in this ocean of gladness each day and let it soak in.
I asked Gloria in one of our conversations if she has been transformed after ten years of writing Heavenletters. Her response was, "How could one not be changed when you are talking to God everyday?" Indeed, how could one not be transformed by listening to God's voice of truth and light. Each message is pointing in the direction of true happiness, peace, contentment, and profound love for God, ourselves, others, and our world. I believe if each person read Heavenletters each day and did some God-writing each day, and reflected on both, they couldn't help but see life become better and better. When we listen and take seriously God's message, we see our way out of anything that holds us back from having the kind of life and relationships we want to have.
I highly recommend this latest Heavenletter E-book (and all the previous Heavenletter e-books) as a means of becoming more open to all that we are in Divine Unity. We are on our life-long journeys to wholeness/holiness. I love having sign-posts along the way. How beautiful is this dwelling place of Oneness with all that is!
I thank God for Gloria and her passion to share God's Word.
Doris Boyle, Montana
www.crossroadssolutions.orgHow to Say I Love You in Dutch
Thanks, Gert!“Ik hou van jou.”
God Quote
“Love from the bottom of your heart,
and know that your heart is bottomless.
Your heart goes on forever.”
HEAVEN #2260 Unclasp Love
Dear Heavenreaders,
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Everyone here at Heavenletters is sending you hugs and kisses for a Happy Valentine’s Day. May Cupid shoot arrows in all our hearts. May we be sweethearts all. And may we remember The One Who loves us most of all.
Love and blessings,
Gloria and the entire incredible Heaven Angel Team