Heaven News 12 July 2006
Dear Heavenreaders, Children of God
Welcome, New Subscribers
Publishing Heavenletters
More Sharing Heavenletters
Foreword to E-book 17 – Carolyn Evers
Don’t Press Reply on Heavenletters
Heaven Quote
Dear Heavenreaders, Children of God,
Please note that I will be in Santa Barbara, California, to give a Godwriting™ workshop and to appear as a guest on the special 200th Bridging Heaven and Earth TV Show. (Thanks, Allan, for inviting me and for sponsoring the workshop. Call Allan (805) 687-2053, or email Allan asilb2@cox.net.
Dear Heavenreaders, I will be without email access from July 11 to 22. If you have an emergency – like not receiving your Heavenletters – email my daughter Lauren who will relay your message to the technical team. Please put Heavenletters in the subject line. Lauren’s email address is laurenw@mchsi.com And, as always, thank you, Santhan of Mojah Media for taking care of everything so wonderfully.
Meanwhile, I will be thinking of everyone and looking forward to being back with you.
Welcome, New Subscribers!
A warm welcome to subscribers who have arrived since last Heaven News from:
Italy, Canada, United Kingdom, Nova Scotia, Indonesia, Australia, The Netherlands, Norway
Washington, Kentucky, Georgia, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Texas, Maine, New York, California, Florida, Tennessee, Hawaii, Illinois, Arizona, South Carolina, Ohio, Arkansas, Alaska, Missouri, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Rhode Island
Heavenreaders, beyond a doubt, are the most amazing people I have ever met. It is beautiful to be on this path with you. Heaven News is all about you, the great readers. Keep reading, and you will see what I mean.
Publishing Heavenletters
From Engin Vural, Heaven’s volunteer translator from Turkey:
“Keep your fingers crossed! On Monday at 11:00 a.m. in Istanbul, I have an appointment with the Publisher - "Dharma". I found the phone number via their web site and called etc...I will meet with one of the editors on Monday. She asked some questions but I insisted to talk face to face. I did not say anything about the Heaven web site either, I want to show it to her ...Sooooooooooo I have an appointment.... ”
Do you know how difficult it is to get an appointment with a publisher? Not for Engin! Such initiative and determination. Bravo, Engin! And thank you!
Russ Michael, Michael Worldwide Newsletters, Age-reversal@aon.at, introduced Panos Axiomakros of Bolero Publishing Ltd., Athens, Greece, to Heavenletters, Love Letters from God, Book One. In six months, Επιστολές από τον Παράδεισο, Επιστολές Αγάπης από τον Θεό, Τόμος Πρώτος (Epistoles apo ton Paradeiso, Epistoles Agaphs apo ton Theo,Tomos Prwtos) will be published in the classic language of Greece. Bolero Publishing Ltd. is publishing Heaven’s book in tandem with Michael’s latest most exciting book, The Autobiography of an Immortal. Michael’s book incorporates about ten Heavenletters,. Many thanks, Michael, for loving Heavenletters and saying the most wonderful things about them, and thank you, Panos Axiomakros, for your vision and dedication to publishing great spiritual works.
More Sharing Heavenletters
From Shirley www.mattersofspirit.blogspot.com:
“The purpose of my site is to endlessly encourage people to do and become whatever makes their hearts sing." ~ I co-administer another blog site, Village Blue, A Magical Place. We get a lot of readers, so you and God get some good exposure since I post Heaven letters there quite often. I am mindful of your copyright, and I apologize for changing one thing only. I have inserted All That Is in place of God at the beginning. There are many of those who read our blog who think they are atheists, (of course they are not, old perceptions and all that) and they seem more receptive to a name that doesn't call up those hurts. I believe God isn't concerned about the moniker as long as the ideas and words put forth have their original integrity (LOL). If you have reservations or concerns about it, I will not make the change in the future.
Shirley, no problem. Thank you so much for sharing Heavenletters on your sites.
Heaven Translators volunteer their time and skill over and over again. They are like unsung heroes and seldom get the recognition they deserve. Paula Launonen, who translates Heavenletters into Italian, recently received this beautiful email from Giuliano, one of the subscribers in Italy who can only read Heavenletters in translation. Paula and I would like every translator in every language to accept this thanks from Giuliano as their own:
Here is what Giuliano wrote:
“Dearest, what you translate is very, very great. Like a frame-maker you succeed in setting in the frame the Father’s splendid painting without spoiling a bit of it... I feel that your Soul is truly shining. I feel that while you are translating His Words, like in a stadium, thousands of angels and many of us are watching you, in the midst of amazement, laughter and worries, as the Words appear on the pages, already translated and clear, waiting to make our Souls blossom...Thank you, thank you, thank you. May GOD bless you. You can't imagine all the good you are doing.”
Thank you, Giuliano.
Translators, should we include your email address so that subscribers can email you? What do you feel about this?
Foreword to E-book 17 by Carolyn Evers – Another Beauty!
There is a soft sweet melody that whispers through the trees.
There is a grandeur about it, but it sings ever so gently that it can be overlooked.
Its song is joyfully reminiscent of some frolicking flowers playfully nodding in the breeze.
You feel astonishment at this unexpected joy.
They are small delights shining in a world sometimes bereft of hope.
The sight of it brings joy to your heart, as you are drawn to the sound and become entwined in its message.
The singing will tug at your heart strings if you slow up long enough to listen.
Once heard, you must come back, time and time again to feel its melody, as it is love expressed in the written word.
Like an oasis, it is the refreshment found at the well on a long thirsty journey.These are God’s messages.
These are God’s songs.
They are insistent, loving, and a necessary food for your survival.
What is life if there is no inspiration?
What is life is there is no softness of the heart?
What is life if there is no spirit to speak to your soul?
What is life if you do not stop and listen?
You are reading this, so God called, beckoning you into his inner court, and being blessed, you came.
Your angels tapped you on the shoulder and said, “This is from God.”
What could you do other than to stop and read his words?
And now that you have accepted the message, and you have eagerly responded to the call, what do you feel?
If you are like me, you feel the tender touch of love and what that entails.
You feel God standing at your elbow whispering of His love.
You feel the Oneness of all His creation.
You feel that for a little while at least, you have come Home.
You sense your angels taking you by the hand and whispering in your ear,
“This is what it is all about.
“This is what Home feels like.
“For a moment you forgot Home as you journeyed so far from your Source.
“This is your reminder.
“This is His message so that you can remember, even for a little while.
“This is a call from Home!”Carolyn Evers, Maryland
Thank you, Carolyn.
Don’t press reply on Heavenletters
Heaven [heaven_mailer@heavenletters.org] is a sending address only. It does not receive email. If you press Reply on a Heavenletter or Heaven News, no one receives your email or even knows you sent one. Please use angels@heavenletters.org or gloria@heavenletters.org, and, until I’m back, laurenw@mchsi.com .
God bless you always.
With love,
Heaven Quote:
“What is giving love
but letting others know
the Truth of their Being,
and therefore your own?"