Heart First
Dear God, there have been so many good questions from Heavenreaders for you that, well, it has been a little while since it's been just you and I! I feel almost shy to be here with You, alone, not knowing what I am going to ask, and not knowing what You are going to say.
It's not exactly like We have never met before, or that We were ever apart. But now you are front stage again on the carpet right in front of Me.
Yesterday I came across a photograph that could be right for the graphics on Your web page. Do You like it?
I like it.
It is not the colors I would have thought of or wanted. It's shades of pink with bits of yellow.
I am all colors. This photograph suggests the power and delicateness of Heaven. It is a suggestion of Heaven, a sweep of Heaven, a quick shot of its delicacy. The photograph holds an impulse of angels on the move.
Thank You. On another subject, Karen has equated pure love with surrender of control. What does that mean?
Love cannot be pure when it is planned, organized, or instructed. Pure being does not control. Control is the antithesis of being. Being just is. It does not do. It forces nothing, not even itself. You cannot control and be in the moment. You cannot control and be in truth. You cannot control and be pure love. You cannot control and be open to Me at the same time. Control is a form of selfishness. I do not vibrate to selfishness. Self-worth, yes. Jurisdiction, no.
Thank You. God, it feels like a lull, writing to You this morning.
Your attention is off problems. That is a lull. All of life can be a lull.
Sometimes My children feel that if they are not enmeshed in problems, they are not alive. But My children are not the end of the match that burns.
I thought of something to ask You about.
Ah, for the Heavenreaders. Otherwise, We could sit here and say nothing and bask in Our Beingness.
You see, when you live in the moment with Me, problems do not exist because your attention is with Mine. You are in the vein of My thoughts, and I do not know problems.
I am not an army general that focuses on battles, for battles are a mass form of separation. I do not set people or things in rows. I am more circular. I am more arising than demarcated.
For a comparison, there is no real formula or list of rules in your receiving My words. My words simply arise in you, or you arise in them.
God, do You remember W., the programmer, who had been out of work for five months and was begging for help? Now he's found a job, and it seems that he no longer needs You or me! He didn't have to give a reason, but he was not subscribing to Heaven because he wants a God of Mind as well as a God of Heart, and You in Heavenletters are only a God of Heart.
I am a God of Heart everywhere. I am mindless. I do not mind anything. I simply do not judge. Could I be simple if I analyzed?
The heart does not judge. The heart beats. It breathes in and out. The intellect judges. The intellect plays games, and the intellect judges and, therefore, seeks control.
This is not to say I am without wisdom. The Heart of God is wise. I am the Wisest of All.
Why, then, do we have intellect, dear God?
So you can know your heart.
So you can know that you enjoy.
So you can talk about Me.
I hear so much about the balance of mind and heart, left-brain and right-brain.
There may be an over-emphasis on mind over heart in the Western world.
The heart knows truth. The intellect may or may not.
The intellect plays games. The heart, never.
Heart is truth.
The intellect can deceive and often seeks to.
Beloved speech comes from the intellect, does it not?
It can also come from the truth of heart.
Sometimes I think if the world went into a day of silence, we would have peace. If we were mute for a while, there would be no hurrying.
There would be more being. No jokes, but enjoyment. Eyes would meet and hearts engage.
Yet I love words so much.
So you do. In silence is truth. The heart is silent. The mind is active and makes noise.
Of course, use your mind, but use it to help the heart, not deter or camouflage it. Let the heart go first, and the mind follow.
We could say that the heart says Yes, and the mind says No.
I am a God of Yes.