Greater Than Belief

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 


Karen says that people get sick only to find love, and we don't need anything but You, Your truth, God. Of course, I know You can heal anything, dear God, and yet I run to take a vitamin that will prevent something, so how strong is my faith?

Are You and Your truth the same? And faith is more than lack of doubt, isn't it?


Faith is not hope. Hope is a wavering flame, more like a wish. Faith isn't just hoping that there is light around the corner. It is knowing that it is always lit for you.

Faith is, if you should not see the light, you see the love light that is there.

Faith is knowing your abundance.

Faith is security. Insecurity is fragmented. Faith is wholeness.

Faith is your meeting My love.

Faith is knowing there is enough food in the refrigerator. Or, if there is not, it will soon appear. Or, if it doesn't appear, that you are saturated with My love nevertheless. Never the less.

Faith is your little dogs who never doubt that they will be fed.

And if they should not be fed on time, they would never doubt your love nor feel sorry for themselves.

I will tell you what faith is.

It is not a belief system.

It is setting the table, always ready for a Guest.

Faith is communication with Me. It is not a thought of Me. It is Me, brought close to you, right up to your nose.

Faith is looking into My eyes.

Christ had great faith. That is the same as to say great strength. He had My strength.

And what did he say about faith? Enough the size of a mustard seed, and you can move mountains.

Mountains are the obstacles within you.

Faith is making peace with Me.

It is not merely: "Thy Will be done."

It is: "I am Your Will. I do Your Will. I know Your Will. I know the platform on which I ride.

"I know I do not take one breath without Yours. I do not make one move without You. I know Your love is so strong that it beats anything.

"Anything less or other than You is a mirage. It is smoke. Where there is smoke, there is fire. You are the fire. No match needed. You are an ever-burning flame of love.

"You are central heat.

"You are not something I have to wait for."


Is faith a decision?


No, it is an awareness.


Is it surrender?


It is more than surrender. In surrender, you give up your arms. You drop your weapons. You leave off resistance.

In faith, which is beyond surrender, you cannot even conceive of surrender, for you can no longer even imagine what resistance could be to.

When you are full, what do you know of emptiness?

In truth, everyone has a full tank. But there are many gauges. Faith is knowing which gauge to look at. One gauge is Mine. The others are man-made. One of man's gauges could say empty, but you don't read that one. You read the one with the glow that says Full.

All of My children have bits of faith, so you do know what it is.

Bits of faith are still faith. One mustard seed.

You do not wait your life for more faith. You do not put your life on hold for it.

Faith is not platitudes. Faith is not somewhere else.

Jesus knew faith because he kept his eye on Me. He always looked up.

When your eyes look up, they are merely following your soul which never looks anywhere else.


God, we put our faith in other things rather than you. Is that lack of faith?


Faith misplaced. You put faith in that 100-dollar bill. You put faith in prestige. You put faith in a bottle of pills. You put faith in the body. You put faith in time. You put faith in a building. My children are filled with faith.

Faith comes from where you look. Yes, faith is where your attention is.

Allow faith in Me to come to the front.

Let it walk on stage.

The arrival of faith is the noticing of it.


Should we pray for faith?


Pray that you notice you have it.

Faith is truth.

Faith is cemented love.

Faith is awareness of Me.

And, yes, faith is much more than the opposite of doubt. Faith has no opposite.

* * *

Barbara to Gloria:

Thank you for giving my questions priority and getting the answer so quickly. I was a little nervous when I saw the heading.

And, it was perfect. I wonder if everyone who reads their own personal message from God feels the same way. I cried as I read God's words, and my heart knew the answer to every question.

It was funny, too, but I have been mulling over the word "matter" for the past few days, thinking about what matter is — and God addressed that, too!

Today, I accept. Today, I choose God. Today, surrender is at hand. I thank you so deeply, my dear friend.

Print this as you see fit.

Note to Heavenreaders from Gloria: This same Barbara lives in Ashland, Oregon, where the author of "Conversations with God" lives. Barbara made telephone contact today with the Recreation Foundation's program manager in regard to Heavenletters, and is dropping off some samples for him today! This could mean great publicity for HEAVEN. Keep your fingers crossed!