Golden Rule
The Golden Rule and the Law of the Land
I must address this about following the laws of the land. Of course, go within the speed limits. If you have to get a license, get it. No matter how trivial or unnecessary a law may seem, follow the laws of the land. Frankly, beloveds, how many laws, no matter how silly, are worth the time and energy it would take you to protest them?
Love's Vision
You need not be so disappointed when you are disappointed. Disappointments are not the huge catastrophes you have thought. Start to consider disappointment a good thing. Good comes from it. Certainly when you are disappointed, you become more aware of who you are and how you conceive the earth you live on.
Let it be beautiful that someone or something disappoints you.
Let it be humbling.
Let it be edifying.
And then let it go.
Disappointments are only disappointments, brief hit and miss in life.
Tell Yourself a Story
Above all, be true to yourself, and be good to yourself. Think well of yourself. Amplify yourself. Nourish yourself with favorable thoughts about yourself and others. Be in tandem with your self-regard and regard for others. They do go together. They are one and the same.
How much negativity you may hold for others is the exact amount of negativity you hold for yourself. This is so. It is also so that when you snipe at others, you are sniping at yourself.
Hosts of the Universe
You are all gentle souls. The ones you consider rough and tough are rough and tough because they are tender. They are just as tender and sensitive as you. Why would anyone be tough unless he had fear? The strongest of all are those who are gentle and kind. They are not afraid to be.
And even if you are afraid to be gentle, be gentle anyway.
If you are afraid, how would you want someone to treat you?
If you are the host of the universe, how would you want someone to treat you if you were a guest?