prayers of God
God's Prayers
You are all in My heart and mind. Never out. And yet you pray to Me.
Prayers work because they bring you closer to Me. They work for you. They work on the person who prays and those who are prayed for. Otherwise, prayers are not needed.
Prayers tickle what's good and make it noticed. The one who prays focuses, and by the power of his own thought, intention, desire, his prayers are realized.
Be an Enricher of Hearts
The core of life is My existence, and not what is portrayed on the screen of life. On the screen of life the conflagration of minds at war with themselves acts itself out. The names of their acts are drama and tragedy. They are crying for attention, and they will be noticed. "See me!" they are saying. "See how you have denied me!" they are saying. "See how I make you notice me!"
And they are schoolchildren who carve their name on a desk. They make their mark. They sear their name across the sky of life.