God's Offer to You

God said:

When you ask for your will to be Mine, do you mean it? Or are you truly asking that My Will be yours?

Surely you want your will to be greater than it is right now. Surely you don't want My vision to be less. Surely you don't want Me to think the same thoughts as you do. Surely you wouldn't confine Me to the specificities of your wayward thinking?

Would you not want Me to have a greater horizon than the one you hardly glance at?

Would you not like to unfold yourself so that We may fly together?

Would you not like to rise with Me?

It makes no difference where I am, for no matter what, I am with you. But it does make a difference where you are in your view. You cannot be away from Me, only you think you are. You think that I have flown. Where would I fly except to your heart?

Have you caught on yet to Our relationship? It is two-way. No matter that We are One, We engage. We exchange heart beats. We hold hands. Intimate is Our connection. Exquisite intimacy. The quality of two merges into Oneness.

Your soul is in My hands, and yet it is housed within you. Your soul knows no distance from Me. It knows it is in My keeping. Otherwise, on occasion, you might forget where you put it. Which of Us is it who dances close to the seeming other and then pulls away?

My attention is permanent. I know not of temporary. I know not of hesitation. I do not avert My eyes from yours. Perhaps you avert yours from Mine. Do you perhaps feel that God Almighty is too powerful for you? Or not powerful enough? Either you think that you are not mighty enough to be in My company, or that you are wiser than I, as if I have not the savvy of the world you do, and that your time with Me might be wasted, better spent on other things to do. Make My Consciousness yours. Step forward. I offer you Myself. What will you offer Me? What do you think I ask for?

I ask for your heart and soul, but I do not steal them. They are yours to give or not. But you will give them somewhere.

My devotion to you is total. I am totality; how could it be otherwise? And you are totality as well, although you may shirk from it and hold yourself apart, as if totality were too much for you, or as if it were nothing at all.

You are blessed with wholeness, and yet you would flee from it.

You would play hide and seek, and not find. The hiding and the seeking are fine, but the finding holds dimensions you do not yet dare to dream of.

Have you perhaps thought I was supposed to find you? I already know where you are at every moment, and that is with Me. But you do not yet know where you are and what you are capable of. There isn't anything you are not capable of. Why does that not make you happy?

You have Me and the universe at your disposal. Avail yourself.

Of course, this is not a one-time offer. It has no expiration date. It waits for you. I have your name, and I call you to embark with Me. Beloved, there is no need to sail alone on this adventure. We are meant to share. I hold out My hand to you and pull you to My heart.

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