God's Joy
Sometimes you feel stalemated with life, as if you go nowhere in it, as if there is nowhere for you to go, as if there is not more joy available to you, as if you have had your share, and now there is no more and you are on a sea of unchanging listlessness.
Know there is a chugging train of love and joy on its way to you. I know I tell you not to look to the outside for your love and joy, but that does not preclude its coming to you. It is definitely on its way. I speak to all of you who read this. Of course, this does not eliminate those who do not read this, but I am talking right now to you who do.
Great joy is on its way to you. It is imminent. It could even be today. I do not promise that, but nor do I withhold the possibility. The certainty is that joy is wending its way to you. Great joy is wending its way to you. Unimagined joy. I do not say this lightly.
More joy than you have dared hope for is on its way to you now. Voluminous joy. Do you begin to feel it? Ready yourself for it. Ready yourself by knowing that it is sure to come. That is all you have to do.
This is not your asking for something. This is not your demanding it. This is not even your expectation. This is your surprise. I have a great one for you. You have no idea what wonderfulness is in store for you.
Every step in your life has been leading you to great treasure. I know this seems unbelievable to you. All that life you thought you wasted brought you where you are now, and it configured great treasure for you.
All the calamities that befell in your life were not calamities at all. They were life.
All the foolish errors you made were not really foolish at all. They were a notch in the gears of your life moving you forward.
You have been propelled to where you are now. You have come a long way. You will admit that, won't you? And now you do not have so far to go. I do not have to remind you that there never was a distance, but now I speak in terms of relative life as you see it.
And now, you are going to somersault in joy.
You are going to do handstands of joy.
Yes, you, and yes, in this world. And in the ever after, too, of course, but it is not the ever after that I speak of now.
You hesitate to leap for joy because you cannot believe that great joy can happen for you. You have been disappointed so many times before. Nothing has seemed what it was, not even joy.
Let all the molecules of your physical body marshal themselves in the direction of joy.
Let your eyes look in the direction of joy.
Let your ears listen for it. You can almost hear it, can't you?
Taste the joy that is coming to you. Open wide. Let it in.
Great energy is coursing through you now. You are enlivened. Feel your enlivenment. All systems are go for this oncoming joy. The world and you have a tryst in a meeting place of joy. Your dreams are about to come true. Your joy is coming faster and faster. It is just around the bend. You can almost see it now.
All glory to your dreams about to be beheld. The day is at hand. Your joy will be overflowing. My joy flows to you now.
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