God loves Us
Beautiful ones,
WoW´d, this is how I feel with Heavenletters that are coming here for a while.
Actually they all fascinate me, but lately I feel much more identified with the message that God gives us.
This message above has an anecdote, so I will tell you.
When today I sent to Gloria a copy of a translated Heaven, I wrote in the email that same comment while I was thinking I should also put it in the forum, share it!.
But I did not do it at that time.
I WANTED to believe that it was my mind playing with me ...
NO! It was my Heart talking to me.
It was God loving me.
After that, I receive an email from Gloria asking me, always very very kindly, to post that comment on the forum where it belongs.
-Gloria, Thanks for being there. You are really a fascinating human-.
So here is the teaching…
Trust and follow your first instinct because it is God speaking to you.
With Love,