give love
When You Stand on a Mountaintop
You have perhaps been in the pattern of being selfish. It doesn't matter. Today you can be unselfish. It isn't really unselfish that you have to be, for the opposite of selfish isn't really unselfish. The opposite of selfish is generous.
Be generous. Come from a place of strength where it is easy for you to be generous.
Bigger Than the Sun That Lights the World
Pursue your thoughts of Me. See where they take you. Your thoughts of Me are like the crumbs that helped Hansel and Gretel find their way back. You are finding your way back to where you started. You started with Me. You end with Me. Yet, in truth, there is no start and there is no finish. There is no line to draw.
There is not even really a circle of Our love to draw, for Our love is unbounded. Nothing can contain it. Love is a river that flows. No dam can withstand it.
Listen to God with Your Heart
O, beloveds, how do I convey to you My love for you? I am good at conveying My Love, so what I am asking is how to help you feel My love, know My love like the back of your hand, and absorb all of it into your conscious awareness. Right now, right this minute, My vast love is focused on you. I soak you in a bath of My love, and I never take you out. And yet you know it not. And you feel you are alone without protection, and all the time I am at your side. I am more than at your side. I am within you and I am outside you. I beam out from you and I beam into you.
In Love You Soar
If every belonging of yours were taken away today, nothing would have changed. Oh, yes, you would bereave the loss of this trinket or this rug or this house, yet without the trinkets and house and household goods, you would be as you always have been. Beloveds, you stand in the Universe. Life is you and I. And all the material in between has nothing to do with Us. I understand that you think it does. I understand that you feel favored when a house is built for you and unfavored when the house is taken away. And yet, beloveds, the material is immaterial to Us.
Being and Giving Love
Gloria to God:
Dear Father Who Art in Heaven and on Earth, what do You wish to tell us this morning?
There are waves, and they are made of crests and troughs, and so is it with life on earth. But you do not bobble on top of the water. Your foundation is deep, and so you are anchored in My strength. You are within My protection. Storms may come and go, but you are forever.