Give God What He Wants

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Dear God, Diane, an incredible mother of six, wrote the following:


I am learning how powerful it is to focus on what I am wanting instead of how angry I am. Sometimes this is easy to do. Sometimes I can't pull myself away from the anger for days, usually when it was my husband. Help!

God to Diane:

Dearest Diane, asking for help is the beginning of surrender. Surrender means to give over, render. In a way, surrender means to leave the past behind. Perhaps to live in this moment?

I must comment on what I have been noticing about the questions coming in to Me through this ministry. What there seems to be is an avoidance of My Name.

Just as it was hard for Gloria to say "money", many seem to resist saying God, or Dear God, or My God, or Heavenly Father, or Almighty Father. Are you aware of this? I wonder if they are afraid to address Me, and I wonder why. What do you think, Diane?

Perhaps, to write My Name may be seen as a kind of commitment itself, like a line you step over, and your fate is sealed.

Diane, you do not even say that your question is for Me! Would that be so daring?

It is good that your question is not for Gloria. She would commiserate with you and jump into the stew of your anger with you!

It is better to ask Me than any human being. It is better to go to the store owner than to a clerk. Come to the Top where it all began.

So, please address Me. That way you get My attention. That way, you give Me yours.

If you were writing to Dear Abby, you would say Dear Abby.

In My case, you are talking to the Supreme Love Who created you. Acknowledge Me.

It is My will that you ask of Me what you will. My door is open. I have no office hours. There is no waiting in line. In fact, I have been waiting for you.

Let My Name be the switch that unfurls your heart.

You want to know how to resolve your feelings of anger with your husband. You don't want the anger, but you have it. You don't want your husband to do what hurts your heart, but he does. He may not want to either, and yet he does. Can you forgive him for being a mere mortal? Can you forgive yourself?

The question here is not what your husband does, but your anger. In human life, anger is virtuous and justified. From My vantage, it is not.

Anger has value in that it is an alarm that goes off and tells you that you are in judgment. The world tells you also that judgment is necessary and justified. The world tells you also that you have control over another person.

When a mosquito bites you, you respond and then let your annoyance go. You certainly do not foster anger over it all day.

Consider your husband a mosquito when you feel angry over his action or inaction. Let your anger last a moment. If it continues, put My Name in your heart and let My love wash away your anger. You can also ask Me to help your husband be more considerate.

Wouldn't it be nice to lean back and let Me run things?

I give you freedom to disentach yourself from responsibility for another being. You cannot be responsible, dear Diane. You do not have the strength nor yet the wisdom.

Ask Me to help make life easier for you. Ask Me to help your husband be happier. Ask Me to help you feel more fulfilled.

You hold no captives, Diane, dear, nor are you one.

Marriage at its worst seems to be like going into a cage and closing the door, and somehow, in no space, you have to make space for each other and find a way to let in happiness through the closed door.

Your anger may be directed to your husband, My dear child, but he is not the cause of your anger. He is the reminder of it. It is, after all, your anger. Where did it come from? Perhaps you brought it with you into the marriage. Perhaps it is anger towards your father or mother or sister or brother, or perhaps it is anger toward yourself, or perhaps toward Me. You do not need anger, past or present.

Frustration comes when you set up parameters and life does not comply. Cease setting up parameters. Relax your hold. Let life occur. Look to your own self for happiness, and look to Me.

Will you cut and peel the apple of your question and get to the core? Will you undress your heart and address Me?

I shall be waiting to hear from You, dear love.

I do not abandon you. I cannot. But you can avert your eyes from Mine.

When you do look up at Me, you will see My joy in seeing you. Will you not give Me joy? Will you not give Me what I want? I want your heart, daughter Diane. I want your eyes to shine with My love reflected in them. I want your heart to leap over to Mine.

There, I bared My heart to you. Now bare yours to Me.