This Moment of Eternity
You are learning to release. You are learning to release expectations. And you are learning to release the past. Past and future are two major things to release. And what are the past and future to you but memories or imaginings or demands that you make of them or wish to undo? You want to reinvent the past and command the future, yet past and future are what they are. The present is what it is too. What is, is. And so you release the present as well. You hold on to nothing.
Beyond Earth's Horizon
Here I am, right here, looking into your eyes and you see Me not. I lift up your eyelids, and I peer into your eyes, and you see Me not. I enter your eyes and go inside them. I give you My eyes to look through, and you see Me not. See Me now.
All right then, trust in that which you do not see. Believe in Me. If you cannot believe in Me, believe in what I say to you. I say what I say with all the love in My heart and the Universe. Have even the tiniest bit of belief in what I speak to you of. I speak to you of all that is.
The Prime of Life
Simplicity is oneness. One bowl. One spoon. How simple!
You make complicated. You must have ten of everything to keep track of. You roll in life faster and faster, and still you collect moss. You collect more moss. But you are not a stone. You are a Human being. You are beyond moss. You are beyond accumulation. You are a roll of My heart. My heart rolls in the world. Take care of My heart inside yours.
You cannot lose yourself, for I am always.
The Stillness of You
When I tell you to keep looking up, I am telling you to be in the present. I am not telling you to look away. I am telling you to see Truth. What you have been embroiled in is not truth. It is deception. You have deceived yourself.
You have pretended to believe in what is not true. Somewhere along the line, you knew it. You knew there was else. You knew that that which appeared right before you was not all that life on Earth offers. It couldn't be. If that were all, Human life would be pointless.
There is much meaning to you.
To Fly on Earth
Time does not exist. Or if you insist it does, it exists as a faulty measure of eternity. It can only be faulty, for it tries to bind the bindless. It demarcates that which cannot be demarcated. The concept of time tries to hold back a flow. It wants to break it into segments. But that is an interruption to flow, and it is false. There is an issuance of love, and time tries to package it. But love will not be packaged.
Being of Eternity
This day of newness is a day like any other day except you have marked it on your calendar as a day of renewal for the universe. A New Year can only mean a universe new to your eyes. There is no other meaning. The rebirth of the world today is your rebirth as well. The rebirth comes from you, beloveds.
The Infinite
What it is that you must not be attached to is ideas. It is all ideas, beloved. There may be a trinket that you can’t part with, but it is the idea of the trinket that you can’t part with. You have a piece of furniture. Perhaps it was your grandmother’s hope chest. You can’t part with it. But it is your idea of this chest that you can’t part with.
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