Equality of Man

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Karen said some powerful things yesterday. Among them, "Faith only goes to God". This was in reference to putting faith in clients' promises to pay. "Faith goes only to God."

This must be what You meant when You said, "Put no other Gods before Me." That was not an admonishment but rather a comment on how it is.


Love your fellow man, but put your faith in God.

Upon Whom can you depend?

Who is innocent?

Who is constant?

Who is pure love?

Who is without personal agenda?

Who has your interests and growth at heart?

Who knows you so well?

You have had trust issues, dear Gloria. It is not that you trusted as much as you thought. It was that you trusted and retrusted blatantly where, underneath, you knew you could not. You knew, Gloria. You were so insecure and untrusting that you had to prove, you thought, that you were game for trust again and again. This ensured disappointing and denigrating yourself. "I am nothing without Norman or Ed." You made idols of others. Your concern with not hurting others' feelings at the expense of your own selfhood was another example of "I am nothing".

This is another of your revelations about yourself. You thought you were trustful, and you trusted not at all. Or, We could say, you trusted betrayal, hurt, let-down, insult, and lies, in order to bolster your sense of unworth.

You were a bit of a charlatan. "Every time I pile up these bricks, they fall down," you would say in bewilderment and keep piling them as they kept toppling.

You did not trust too much. You did not trust. It was a false trust, a "bought" trust, an assumed trust. You were a gambler, a poor gambler gambling on trust to lose.

Trust does not have to be proven. If you have to prove trust, you get hornswoggled.

But that is of the past, for now you have a place to put your trust. Put it all on Me, the Sure Thing. Then the trust issue is laid to rest once and for all.

The opposite of trust is not distrust but attention on it. When your faith is in Me, trust isn't a consideration. It is not where your attention is.

Your attention is on truth.

Truth becomes you.

Truth strengthens.

Truth triumphs.

Truth can be trusted.

Truth is trust.

Trust is the truest, true-est.


Dear God, this is the fourth personal revelation I have received from You. I remember there were three before this one, but I cannot remember even one of the other ones.


Maybe you don't need to, dear one. Maybe they are behind you. They lived their time, and now their turn is gone.


I thought You would tell me to look them up, or You would repeat them for me. It never occurred to me that You would tell me I don't need to remember them.


That is one reason why it is good to ask Me. I broaden your vision and, therefore, your path.

Perhaps now, anything you forget, you don't need to remember.

Mother Divine:

Gloria, do you see how your former need to trust was symptomatic of your un-trust in yourself?

Now you love God, and you know His love, and now your eyes look up to God.

Look not up to any mortal man nor down.

Men are equal in the eyes of God, and so must they be in yours. "Neither a master nor a slave be."

Your trust issues were part of bondage. Do you comprehend how you are freer now? One fewer battle for you to fight! One more chain removed! One more disavowal of God to be put to rest!

Who is your Teacher? Who holds your heart? Who trusts you? Who knows answers you did not even speculate on?

Learn from wherever you learn, but trust the Great Trust.

Give your fealty to God. Faith (I use this as a verb here) the pure love of God. Faith His love. Faith His wisdom which is an outgrowth of His love.

Your currency even knows: "In God we trust."