Drink of God's Joy

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Dear God, I would like to verify that when You said all Heavenreaders walked the earth with Christ, you did not mean that we were the only ones?


There are not yet enough Heavenreaders for that to be the case.

Heavenreaders have a certain vibratory quality. That is what allows them to be avid Heavenreaders.

The simplicity of My truth resounds within them.

Heavenletters is a certain kind of guitar that attracts hearts set to the same frequency. It finely attunes those hearts. Now, there is a range within that frequency and what is heard is a tune deeply familiar.


Those who love Heavenletters love it. And yet there are those who are interested enough to ask for the two-week subscription, and then they drop it.


So be it. And of that, you have no control.

Consider that you are feeding the swans. You toss bread crusts to them. All the crusts will be picked up, but which will eat it, you do not know nor can you say.

But that does not stop you from tossing the bread for the water birds.

Circulation is My concern, not yours.

Yours is to hear what I say, write down what you hear, type, send out. Also keep records.

Yours is to toss My words.

Let them fall where they may.


Once in a while I get a note, God, like: Please take me off your mailing list.

But, most often, when someone doesn't want to continue, there is no response whatsoever. And then, of course, there are the beautiful responses.


Remember, Gloria, that Heaven has nothing to do with your feelings. It has nothing to do with you.

Your job is to send out the mail. Whom it reaches or does not, who responds or how, is not your concern. You just send out the envelopes.

Of course, you can send them with love.

Offer a little prayer as you press the Send button.

Of one thing I will assure you. Heavenletters will reach those whom it is meant to reach, and there are many.

You send Heaven out electronically, but Heaven is sent before you type it.

Heaven was sent many years ago before you knew.

This Heaven is merely a repeat. Reveille is sounded every day. It is not a one-time thing.


Sometimes I am amazed at the questions that have come out of me to ask You. They may be questions that I had not idea of. An example is that row of three questions asked about Christ. Did he know who he was? Did he know what he was doing? And there was one more.

At times like that, I wonder whether You ask the questions as well as answer them.


I play many roles.

We can say that I ask the questions as well as answer them. When you can hear the question I offer, even if you didn't hear the answer, you would be ahead.

You know the difference between very personal questions and those that are primarily from Me. I don't ask questions about anger, for example. That is not My kind of question.

But you notice that the answers come around to My way of thinking regardless of the question.

So keep asking My questions and your questions. They are points of departure and are welcomed.

You can even ask questions your puppies might have or an ant, and I will answer.

Bear in mind: I always answer. I never leave you without a response. I never ignore, avoid, step around. I am right there in front of you. I am never awkward or hesitant. I am forthright and comfortable.

You be that as well. Forthright and comfortable are good things to be.


On another subject, dear God, it's still hard for me to reconcile that I am Your child and worthy of everything and that ego has to go. It's like ego is the opposite of knowing who I am, like one is reduced to ego instead of swelled to it.


Ego is not knowing who you are.

When your stomach is full, you do not hunt for food.

When you know who you are, you don't look for acclaim, even recognition. You don't look for proof of love because you have the love itself.

When you know I love you, what man's praise do you need?

Knowing who you are is the same as knowing Me.

That is how We become one integrated whole in awareness. In fact, We always were. Now you bring your awareness up to truth. Your awareness and truth become One.

Can you imagine only seeing and knowing truth? Seeing beyond facsimiles and mirages and hopes?

Hope falls far below truth.

Hope is a vagrant wisp.

I say have truth over hope.

Have realization over maybe.

Make real the truth I give you.

That is trust, and then comes faith.


Thank You, dear God.

Any words for the continuing ed Ask God Workshop today?


My words will come out of the people there. There is no one at the meeting but I. I am all the people who come, and I am you, and I am what you talk about, and I am what you talk for.

You all speak for Me.

I raise My voice through you, sweet microphones.

Do you not think I am happy to sit and talk and reveal My truth?

Whatever pleasure these meetings give you, multiply it a millionfold, and you will have a tiny glimpse of My joy, a pinhole of it.


How can I say anything after that, dear God?


Listening is also My speech.

Sitting together with Me of itself spreads My love, which is the same as to say My joy.

Drink of My joy. That is the true nectar of the gods.

And I pour it for you.

Let it spill.

Let it spill over.

Let it flood the world.

I am a roaring ocean of joy.

Splash in it.

Why spend time in anything but joy?

Joy is unselfish. Absence of joy is selfish.

Be unselfish with My joy. Intend to drink it all up. That is how you share it.