Dreams and Desires

God said:

There is a difference between desiring and having to have. It is a huge difference. It is the difference between ripples on the lake and white water rapids on the river. Desire carries peace with it. Having to have your desires filled carries demand. Demand is what wars are made of. Demand and desire are certainly not the same. You can be strong in your desires without being adamant. Yes, there is a balance here. Desire deeply, and then let your desires float across the ocean of life.

This is non-resistance. Non-resistance is being supple in response to life. You want the red car, and you get blue, or you get no car. When you are resisting what you have received, what do you gain but frustration?

Learn to shrug your shoulders, and walk away. You can continue your desire without all the extra baggage attached to it.

Yes, here is the word "attach" again. Be non-attached. Not indifferent, just reasonable. Being nonattached is leaving the past. Desire without attachment. Want what you want, but not be dependent upon getting it. Be not co-dependent upon the fulfillment of your desires. Be strong in your desires, and strong in allowing outcomes to be what they are.

Be disappointed if you must, and then shake off disappointment. Let desires linger, but not disappointment. Have your desires, but do not whip them. You are always free to desire that which you desire. And you are also always free to treat life as an honored guest however life may present itself to you. You can be a lady or a gentleman regardless of circumstances. Be genial under all circumstances. Why would you be anything else? Be a good sport, beloveds. Truly, would you prefer to be a bad sport?

Disappointment tells you that you had the joy of a dream not yet fulfilled. And yet the desiring itself had an accompaniment of joy. The desire itself offered its own degree of fulfillment.

When you pick out a dress you want at a store, or a piece of furniture, even when it has already been sold or is not available to you for whatever reason, you can still have joy from it. Joy without ownership is still joy. Everything you buy in life is really a dream you buy. You can always have the dream.

You know that when you actually own a dress or a piece of furniture of your desire, sooner or later it retreats into what it is, a dress or a piece of furniture. The dream energy has flown. It was your dream energy that flew, beloveds. Yes, so yet even be glad when a desire is not yet fulfilled because then you can still have the energy of desire. Desire rather than be listless. Desire rather than be bored. Desire desire, and do not have to have the objects of your desire.

With or without accoutrements, you are you, and you are My Own Divine Child.

Without even your desires for love in your life and peace in the world fulfilled, you can have peace and love. Whatever the changes in the surface world around you, you have great depth of knowledge and awareness in your heart. The very beat of your heart is not dependent upon momentary events. All events are momentary. Great crescendos lead to a softened momentum. Quietly runs the stream beneath all activity.

Enjoy your desires, and enjoy their fulfillment, and do not feel that a desire unfulfilled is a desire denied. Do not deny yourself joy in the moment you have right now. Nothing is missing really. In this moment is contained everything. You are Fullness, beloveds.


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