The Letting Go of Disappointment
In the world, people let you down. Even in this fictitious world, this does not make them an enemy. It makes them an ordinary person who shuffles life like a deck of cards. He means to deal one card but deals another. He bluffs, he makes excuses. He opens, he folds. One card is up his sleeve, another falls to the ground. He may not pick it up. He tries to escape one thing and runs into another. He is just like you, fumbling as he tries to do the best he knows at this moment with the cards he has in his hands.
Love's Vision
You need not be so disappointed when you are disappointed. Disappointments are not the huge catastrophes you have thought. Start to consider disappointment a good thing. Good comes from it. Certainly when you are disappointed, you become more aware of who you are and how you conceive the earth you live on.
Let it be beautiful that someone or something disappoints you.
Let it be humbling.
Let it be edifying.
And then let it go.
Disappointments are only disappointments, brief hit and miss in life.
How to Deal with Success
How you deal with success is the same as how you deal with non-success. You agitate. You flutter.
All of your lives, you are practicing for success.
Every time things did not go the way you wanted, you called that failure and were disappointed. You were practicing your reaction to success whether you knew it or not. You were moved by your disappointment. Perhaps you cried and retreated. Perhaps you jumped up and down. Perhaps you became stony and couldn't move. Perhaps you were floored.
How you have been handling disappointment is how you will handle success.
What Can Disconcert You?
You equate coming to peace in life with coming to peace with loss and death, the main issues you consider important.
What coming to peace with life really means is coming to terms with the unholy concept that life will not always go according to your will. When you come to terms with that and the little impish things in life, you will be at peace. The larger matters will then take care of themselves.