direct experience of God
Sometimes your ideas become God Almighty. You are so sure that your concepts are absolute. You believe, therefore, you are right. Be wise to your beliefs. Be on to them. They are suspect.
A Steady Beam
I do not usually come to My children as flash. As active as I am, I am quiet. In the quietness lies My strength. Flashiness does not last. It would be too much for you in any case.
Experience awareness of Me, but do not expect Me to appear in a blaze of light. Look not for a phenomenon. Just look for your quiet awareness of God Almighty.
Your experience of Me is great. You can know that because you exist. You exist with Me. You would not exist without Me. What do you need a great big flashy experience for?
Our Journey Is Swift
You make excuses to come to Me. No excuses are needed. You make no excuses for breathing air or drinking water. You do not justify your need for them. Your need is a given. It is natural to breathe and to drink. It is also natural to come to Me, to catch up to where you already are. Get over here, and wait not for a reason. Tumble headlong to Me. Don't putter. Don't study the situation. Just come.