God Asks
When you accept where and what your Real Existence is, you won't be possessed so much by the fears that presently possess you. Will you agree that fear has you in its clutches, that it often motivates you?
What does fear think it is? It thinks it is premonition, and it thinks it is insurance. It thinks it is a seer and a swordsman in one. It thinks it is your defender when it is your undoer.
But fear doesn't really think at all. It is you who does the thinking for it. Fear uses you to make itself big, and you comply.
The Stillness of You
When I tell you to keep looking up, I am telling you to be in the present. I am not telling you to look away. I am telling you to see Truth. What you have been embroiled in is not truth. It is deception. You have deceived yourself.
You have pretended to believe in what is not true. Somewhere along the line, you knew it. You knew there was else. You knew that that which appeared right before you was not all that life on Earth offers. It couldn't be. If that were all, Human life would be pointless.
There is much meaning to you.
The Golden Wonder of God's Love
This thing of holding onto the past is pervasive. I hear you saying things like: "This won't work. This will never work. I know it won't work. It never worked before." And so you cut yourself off. You are so good at finding reasons not to do something. Such reasons are always around, lurking behind every corner.