Say Goodbye to Ego
Many of the concerns you have concern ego. Ego is such a bother. It is an annoying gnat that bites you or a fly that buzzes around you. Unlike gnats and flies, ego is continually in the background, winter or summer, counseling you while all the while its attention is on its feeble self and not on you at all. No, not on your well-being. Ego distracts you from your well-being. If ego were not feeble, it would not need you to bolster it. Ego is selfish. It is bloated with its selfishness. It's not really thinking of you at all. It doesn't care about you. It cares about itself.
What Is There for You to Be Concerned About?
Gratitude is a great tray to serve life on.
As you go through life today, will you notice the little things with gratitude in your heart? No need to wait for the big things in order to feel that surge of love in your heart named gratitude.
The Light of Your Love
The truth is that all of your concerns are for naught. All the things that you get into a tizzy about are nothing at all. Certainly, they seem momentous, even gigantic to you, but in the light of love, they evanesce. In the light of love, all is light. Love leaves no room for shadow. The love light in your heart is not dependent upon any object you place as responsible for it. Love issues from your heart, and it remains there. No matter what the direction of your love, no matter what it focuses on, love is love and exists irrespective of the objects it emanates to.
The Grand Illusion
Within the Grand Illusion lies illusion within illusion, one illusion on top of the other, illusion illusion every which way.
Within the illusion that this life as experienced on Earth is life entire, lies the illusion that you can lose something and be bereft. Of course, it is a subdivision of illusion that loss exists.
How many times have you lost something important only to find you haven’t lost it at all? It was right where you left it. You had commotion in your heart for no reason at all.