concept of problem
The Myth of Time and Space
Difficulties seem to all come from the outside. Your pen doesn't work. The computer isn't behaving. Customer service puts you on hold and you wait and wait. The weather does not always cooperate and so on.
All the Almightiness
If you have a problem, know that it is the way you perceive that makes it a problem. Regardless of what the world says, I am giving you the real story. When you and/or the world determines that something is a problem, you double its weight. When you accept life as it is, what then can the problem be? You need not be so handy at identifying situations as problems.
Your Vocabulary
Remember what you are here for. You are not here for gossip. You are not here to inflate your ego. You are not here for others, and you are not here for yourself. You are here on Earth for Me. Consider Me the North Star over your shoulder. Look up at Me, and you will not dispense your life in pettiness.
Often you think pettiness is important. Sometimes you like to swim in it. Sometimes you call pettiness problems. You know you make much of them. That is the pettiness.