Comparative Life

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 


Dear God Almighty, there was a tornado warning here yesterday evening, and we went into the basement. It felt like war time to me, having to get away or hide from the Nazis. Our pre-Civil war basement, once part of an underground railroad, is not particularly pleasant, but how glad, in certain circumstances, someone would be to have it to stay in.


In a split second, values can change. That is how it is in human life, relative, comparative life. Where I am, there aren't the variations; there is Oneness.


So, in truth, when one is in total love with You, then the rest doesn't matter?


Something can be more comfortable or less comfortable, but when the heart is full with Me, it is full with Me. The outside conditions don't outweigh the acceptance of My love in the heart.

You know that a fire consumes nothing. You know that a twister touches only the physical. And you know who you are, and that events do not matter. Love matters.

A Course in Miracles, Lesson 351:

"My sinless brother is my guide to peace. My sinful brother is my guide to pain. And which I choose to see, I will behold."


So, dear God, it's like I can look at the tear in the cloth, or I can look at the cloth.


Or you can look at the artist who made the cloth.

Gloria to Mother Divine:

Dear Mother Divine, what would you like to tell me this morning?

Mother Divine:

You see the stillness around you. At this moment, your two little dogs are still, one on the bed, one on the carpet. Your gilded angels sit still. The dressers, mirror, books, all are still.

What I want to say to you is that even when your dogs start to move, or a breeze blows a curtain, or you change the bed, or vacuum, or talk on the phone, the same inviolate stillness is there.

The stillness is the beingness. That beingness is eternity which is not of time and place.

Your beingness, and Sandra's, and Jon's, is the same beingness as Jesus' or anyone else.

The beingness, before inception of a picture, before thought, before motion, has no attributes. It is beingness. It is itself.

Beingness is the suspended moment before the baton is raised, before the word is uttered, before the brush strokes the canvas. AND eternal beingness is also there when the band plans, the speech is made, and the canvas is painted.

In telling you this, I have used the words before and when and moment which are of time as is language itself. In telling you this, I have had to create a setting, name objects, allude to the illusion of space.

But the beingness is within and out of the illusion. Beingness is common Source, common readying energy, common impulse of communication.


Beingness is God?

Mother Divine:



Beingness is potential?

Mother Divine:

Yes. But much more. You would not call God potential, but He is also that.


We all have the same unlimitedness within us. We are all given the same amount of cash to start with?

Mother Divine:



How we spend it is where our individuality comes in?

Mother Divine:

Yes. Remember also that the spending of the beingness cannot be measured in the terms of the world.

Consider the beingness that is yours as God's Will. It is His love and His being and His Will.

What function God wills for each individual is made of the same love and conclusion, but the appearance is different.

For example, the retarded epileptic girl you read about fulfilled her promise to God the same as a recognized saint or an unrecognized saint or a streetcar conductor.

This is also why it is valuable for each soul to not focus on or judge what others are doing or not doing. They may well be leading their lives according to God's Will for them.

The test of being in accord with God's Will is your own happiness, your own true happiness, not frenetic activity that keeps you from looking at yourself, but the joy present, not what someone else may see.

No life is wasted. Lessons are learned. Progress is made. You do not live for yourself alone. Your life affects those around you. Mostly you do not know how your life impacts on another. There is more good you do than you know. This is everyone I am speaking to.


Dear Mother Divine, I read a story somewhere of a wealthy woman who did much good, gave to charities, raised money for charities, and gave way more than money.

One afternoon she was in an orphanage in a poor country where there was a little blind, deaf, mute, retarded boy who smelled bad. No one wanted to be near him.

All afternoon this woman held that little boy, sang to him, did whatever she could do to give him one afternoon in his life of love and happiness.

Years later when this woman died, she was at Heaven's Gate, and the appropriate angel read a list of her good deeds. St. Peter interrupted the reading, and said: "Is this not the woman who held that little boy for an afternoon?"

And she was admitted to Heaven immediately, for of all the good she had done and all she had given, that one afternoon was the finest thing she had done.

Would the world have noticed that?

Mother Divine:

The world doesn't know much, Gloria. The heart knows. The heart is the connection to your beingness.


Gloria to God:

Dear God, how can I have a higher vibration and still get irritated with little things and feel discomfited etc. There is a clerk where I get my income tax done, and she repeatedly confuses me with someone else who years ago neglected to include her railroad retirement and can't climb stairs. "Aren't you the one who can't climb stairs?" she says to me. I gallop up the stairs when she's around!

Over the phone today, she said she had to check with me because last time I hadn't included my railroad retirement!


The habits of a lifetime pursue you. It is your habit to get irritated. The next time you feel irritated, bring your attention back to Me. You weren't thinking of Me when you felt irritated today. You don't have to feel irritation. It is your choice. No matter what your vibration, if you choose to be irritated, you will be irritated. If you choose not to be, you won't. Instead of being irritated, what could you be?


Amused. Patient. Gentle.


Or you could be irritated and not feel bad about it. Perhaps that clerk needs someone to call her on repeated lack of attention.


Thank You. God, even if I were the person she keeps thinking I am, I would feel pestered. That clerk is irritating.


And you are irritable! What is the difference?


Which side of it I'm on!

Dear Mother Divine, I am feeling small-minded today. Jill is moving to California in a couple of days. All her declarations of how much she loves me and what I mean to her are untrue. I picked up some furniture today I had loaned her. I said, "I'll see you before you leave?" She said, "I don't know. I don't have time." And I gave her a hug good-by, but she did not want to hug me or be hugged. In fact, I felt she looked at me with great dislike. It's like she doesn't need me to exist for her any more, or I'm actually in her way.

I have been used. No surprise. In a way, I feel "so what?", but I also feel, "When will I learn?" How many times have I moaned and groaned about Jill?

Mother Divine:

Too many. And you will learn not to be used and not to mind much if it does happen.