By What Means Does the World Revolve?
If you cannot make the entire world happy and enlivened, perhaps you can make a part of the world happy and enlivened. Perhaps you can make your part of the world sweeter. It is such a little thing for you to make someone else's day happier. Just as you go about your business and lead your everyday life, you can shine on someone else's day. Just by a few words, a smile, a sense of appreciation for life and for another's voyage through life, you can lift the hearts of many.
A Blooming Rose of Heaven
Hello, beloveds. Will you make today wonderful? Will you laugh, and will you smile? Will you be of good cheer?
Will you today be what you want to be? Cheerful, pleasant, enjoying and enjoyable. Why not?
Why not be what you have always wanted to be, and that is happy and generous in life.
This is the day you come out of your old thinking, and you bloom. How beautiful are you, a blooming rose of Heaven! How beautiful are you when you smile and make Me smile.
Play the Flute of God's Love
Well, yes, you are an instrument of My love. Everyone is. What else could you be? Stay close to your own heart, beloveds, and you will know your closeness to Me.
Being an instrument of My love takes no effort, you understand. Love isn't something you do, for love is what you naturally are. That you allow interference to block your love, well, that is well known, yet nothing is to interfere with the love to be emanated from you.
It is like your love is hidden in plain sight, yet it is sometimes hidden by brambles and snips of this and that.