change your DNA
So You Fly through the Air
How did your individuality come to be you? How is it you have the talents you have? How is it you are influenced by urges within you? How is it that one person becomes what is a called a great success, and another does not do well in terms of the world? How is it that one can come from a favorable background and not do well, and someone from an unfavorable background with all the odds against him can do exceedingly well?
How much is fate, you ask, how much is karma?
Beloveds, it is not fathomable. You cannot understand what you cannot understand.
Your DNA
You are performing a study of life. You research it. Your questions are rampant. The answers you find have been mixed.
Now consider life a neatly folded piece of beautiful cloth. It is folded accordion-style. As you pull, each lap of cloth unfolds, one after the other, ever unfolding. Infinite is this cloth. The colors and patterns change. Every now and then, a wrinkle appears, but it is the same cloth unfolding, rippling as it were. Let the rippling delight you. Perhaps the next turn is the most magnificent of all.
Consider the unfolding of this magic cloth as magnificent. Is it not?
Walking into the Ocean
You may think there are steps to life, and that you must remember what a Heavenletter said, follow My words like instructions. As you read Heavenletters, My thoughts go into your DNA; rather, My thoughts are already in your DNA, and My Words stir the recollection. Your DNA is ever spinning. Your DNA is like a post-it note, reminding you that you don't need to remember. Remembering is holding on, and you are to let go. You don't have to remember what I say. I will remember for you.