Gloria to God:
Dear God, it seems that what I have been going through — or putting myself through — strikes a chord in everyone.
Here is a personal question from Nancy, an original Heavenreader:
Nancy to Gloria:
I have this fear of losing my husband. I am so grateful for him. Yet the closer we become, the greater fear I have of losing him. I remember what life was like without him. I was really lonely. Sometimes I feel alone now, but Tom fills a void for me. What would I do without him? I know that life constantly changes, but I fear any change that could mean that Tom wouldn't be with me. This fear especially came to the fore when I read what you have been going through. Would you ask God about this for me?
Gloria to God:
So, dear God, I would like to ask You on Nancy's behalf for Your insights, love, and wisdom.
God to Nancy:
Dear Nancy, the daily intimacy of married life is to make you strong and closer to Me, the only Known, Certainty, and Discovery.
As with Gloria, what is love and what is attachment for you?
You need no one but Me. You have no one but Me.
Thank Me daily if you wish for the loan of your husband.
You seem to think that you exist and thrive through your husband, but I assure you that it is through Me.
If you could lose Me, you would indeed have something to fear.
Love your husband. Enjoy. But do not feed off him. He is not the trough.
Your fears are from your ego because you do not believe in yourself. You believe your husband gives you substance and worth. You think he is the Source. If not the Source, the life raft.
Continue to treat your husband like a king, but know Who the King is.
Know that you are a Queen far more worthy of the love of the universe than you will allow.
You lift your eyes only so far. I say, "Lift them higher."
If one of My children began to suspect his worth, and carry this recognition as he carries his fears, the world would roll in love, and fear would skulk away.
Your fear, dear Nancy, has nothing to do with your husband. Your fear has to do with you.
Your fear has to do with your relationship with Me.
You fear to look at Me, so you substitute your husband.
He does not control your fate.
Oh, you humans, you think the tighter you hold, the safer you are. Unless you hold to Me, you hold to a rein connected to nothing. You hold to a greased pig. You hold to a manufactured idea in your head.
Do you imagine that I created anyone with more power and glory than you?
Do you imagine that the corn bows down to your husband and not to you?
Do you believe that he is your Savior?
What can he save you from?
All loneliness is loneliness for Me. And it is satisfied only with Me.
You consider your husband a lucky talisman that you cannot do without. He is a talisman of Me.
Your worth is not dependent upon your husband. He is not the crux of your life. He is not a crutch that helps you walk. He is not your connection to Me. He is a fellow-traveler along the road to Me.
Attachment is not love. It is attachment.
Love Me, and you will be a blessor.
There is no one between you and Me, Nancy. Perhaps Christ, but his purpose is to lead you to Me.
Know your own strength, and your husband will be stronger.
Your husband takes your attention off your loneliness. But he is not a substitute for Me.
Loose your husband from your fears. There is no well of loneliness between you and Me.
I am right here, and right beside you, and right within you. Hold hands with your husband, but know that he is not the creator of you. You have but one Creator.
You are a potter. Your pots know that they did not create themselves. They sit beside other pots, but do not give them homage. They know they are equal to all the pots, and that there is only one Mightier.
When you acknowledge Me, you acknowledge yourself. When you acknowledge yourself, you acknowledge Me.
Remind yourself of My love and My companionship.
Set Me on your table like a centerpiece, and you and your husband sit down and hold hands, but know that I am the centerpiece on your table.
Accept My love, Nancy, for I have given it to you. You are the love of My life. Drink at My fountain. Carry My holy waters and sprinkle them on your life.
Dear God, why is everything so much clearer in someone else's life?
Because your ego is not so much in it. You are not so much attached to someone else's life as to your own. You do not see the need to control in someone else's life. It is so much easier to see My significance in the lives of others because you witness others' lives while you wrench your own.
You are learning to throw away all the wrenches in your life. You do not need to make adjustments to My creation, to hold it in place, or push it back or forward. Throw away your tools of intervention.
Nancy needs no intermediary, and you believe it. I tell you the same, and you think your life depends on another. Your life depends on yourself and Me, and that is your strength.
No man on earth is your savior. And, further, there is nothing for you to be saved from.
Unite your heart with Mine. Notice it. There is a paradise in your heart. Look closely. There is a village of angels. There are vast fields and oceans, and there am I, the acorn of your heart.