cause and effect
You Will Think in New Ways
There is that angle of thought that all illness comes from the mind. There is much truth in that, yet, in terms of day to day life, it is not so clear nor must it be, beloveds. There is more to illness than meets the eye. There is more to everything than meets the eye.
I have told you to disengage yourself from thinking about cause. There is the sense in which there is no cause. Consider, if there is no past, there can be no cause. When there is no prior, how can there be an after? There is simply whatever is right now.
So You Fly through the Air
How did your individuality come to be you? How is it you have the talents you have? How is it you are influenced by urges within you? How is it that one person becomes what is a called a great success, and another does not do well in terms of the world? How is it that one can come from a favorable background and not do well, and someone from an unfavorable background with all the odds against him can do exceedingly well?
How much is fate, you ask, how much is karma?
Beloveds, it is not fathomable. You cannot understand what you cannot understand.
All about Love
When you have anxiety, it is for no reason. It is always for no reason. I know you feel that something incites your anxiety. No matter what you perceive as the cause, there is no reason to it. It is manufactured. No matter how real-seeming, it is made up. What folly it is to feel anxious. It is no good at all, so what reason can there be to be anxious? Anxiety plays a pretend game. Your mind latches onto a conclusion, a judgment that serves no one. Anxiety serves no one. It wastes heart and mind.