Catching Love
Gloria to God:
I look at the picture of Christ, and his eyes meet my own. I started to think: What a man! Then: What a prince! Then: What a soul! And I do believe it is his soul that speaks in his eyes.
And so let yours. Let not your eyes hide your soul. Let your eyes speak your soul. A soul is not to be hidden but revealed, not put in the maid's quarters, but shown to the front room and seated with honor.
The soul is there; bespeak it. Let your eyes' rays fall on all with the grace of God. Let all be touched by the rays of your eyes, issued by your Father in Heaven. Learn and loosen the rays of love that fall from your eyes like rain from Heaven on a dry day.
Let your eyes not only reflect light but originate it. Let Light be your name. Let your eyes take a moment to rest light on all they see.
Let your light be a misty fog that rolls in and seeps into and is immersed in all the rocks and their crevices and absorbed by the heart.
Let your light be a wave of spray from the ocean.
Let your light be a cooling ray from the Moon.
Let the light of your eyes cast beauty on all it passes over.
Let your light pat the heads and shoulders of all in the world.
Let your eyes see far and near.
Let your eyes muster souls.
Let your eyes look for Me.
Let your eyes shine Me, for what am I but Love, the Heart of the World, the Source of All Good, and your very Being.
Bless the world with your eyes is what I am saying. Let your looking be alms to the poor. Let your looking be the early rays of the sun as a sleeping world awakens. Let your sight be the mother's comforting kiss as the sun sets and all the children go to sleep.
Let your eyes look on the children as they sleep, as I look upon My children in vast love.
Let your eyes call to all they see and whisper, "God is here. God's glory is here. This is God's Kingdom, and all is well."
I know that You have told me that you do not test people, but so many fine good people think you do. Or perhaps my picture of testing is harsh. I see it as making something hard for someone and seeing how they come through.
I suppose testing could also be like testing metal, to see if it's ready, at the right temperature. But to test people for the fun of it? Life is hard enough as it is.
Dear Gloria, again I do not test people in that perceived way. I would not. I do everything to help My children and make their lives better and easier. Life may test people, but I don't.
Remember too that what a mortal sees as hardship may in truth be a blessing, and vice versa. I know you understand this.
I do not experiment with My children to test their righteousness or devotion. I don't need to. Why would I? It is a foregone conclusion that all will return their hearts to Me.
Why is the story of Job in the Bible?
It was an allegorical attempt to explain human suffering. I do not negotiate with Satan (the sum total of negative thoughts) and make pacts.
I always wondered how Job could be overjoyed after he had lost his family when God later rewarded him with more children, as if that made it okay.
I know life goes on, and it's good to be grateful, but do more children make up for the ones lost as part of a bet?!
You know I do not make suffering. I do not visit plagues on people. I bestow blessings. I am truly good. That is all I know and all I want. Why in Heaven would a God create plots to trick His children?
Why do people believe that then?
I don't know. Perhaps to make an adversary of God, wishing to appease Him, and thus be able to get on His good side. And all the time, there is only My good side.
I think that some people will not like this section.
They won't. Let them be shaken up and grow from it.
Is it a test for them, dear God!
No! They test themselves. These are My words and My truth. One can make of them what he will.
I do not set traps for My children.
Dear Father, today I feel like a writer. Nice feedback from my nephew Sam about Your writing. I wrote a fine letter to the literary agent. I am inspired to send out to more literary agents.
I am sad to say I am behind in typing again.
How ephemeral is relative life. Yesterday you were weeping, and today you feel pretty good, and tomorrow you will feel better yet.
All may come and go but I am forever. And you are too. Forever We are One, embraced in love, sending out shoots of love, fertilizing the soil with love, watering flowers with love, trimming hedges with love, sowing love like barley, walking love wherever We go and wherever We do not go, heaping love, making big hills of love, planting love, building houses of love, uncovering love, digging up love, turning on streetlights of love, catching love, strewing love, holding it up for all to see.
Love is Our Name. Hallowed be Love.