Burdens That Are Not Yours to Carry
You are often puzzled when someone else thinks differently from you. How can it be? You see one way. They see another, and the other's vantage may seem incomprehensible to you. You are astonished at their take on life.
Sometimes another's point of view seems shallow to you, or crazy, or foolish. Once in a while, you hear something that seems true to you. It has cracked through your shell of perception, and you begin to see in a way new to you. When that happens, you feel happy, for your perception rose!
No one tried to convince you to see their way or your own way with a new fillip, but it happened. You could not force it to happen. You could not demand or command. You couldn't say: "Let me see my point of view grow higher based on yours."
Nor can you command: "May your point of view change according to mine." Nor is it your business to do so. What another thinks or feels is their business, not yours. What you think and feel is your business -- and Mine, of course.
Neither resistance nor compulsion work to your advantage, beloveds. When someone close to you thinks or feels differently, and they hold on to their way of thinking, it is especially hard for you to let it go. If it is important to you to be vegetarian, for instance, and your spouse eats meat, it becomes an issue, perhaps a tug of war, perhaps a silent battle with both your hearts hurt.
As always, the only thing to do, is to bless the other, to support them, encourage them in their chosen way. This is more than being a good sport. This is being gracious on My behalf. There is room in the universe for many points of view.
Now, you might ask, what if your mate drinks alcohol to excess or your son is on drugs, how can you possibly support them as well?
You bless, you bless, and you give them over to Me. And you understand, as much as you are able, that your mate, child, or friend is caught up in a huge Tsunami wave, and you do not have the skill nor the power to pull them down from it. It is not in your hands to do so. They were put in your hands to love.
You are not even to fear for them. You are especially not to fear for them, nor fear for your disgrace, nor for your embarrassment, nor for your heartache. You have other purpose in life than supervision of others.
Love does not hold tight, beloveds. Love frees.
Your loved ones may not take the route to Me that you do, but you can know they are on their way to Me, and they will reach Me. You can know that I can pull them out of the Tsunami and welcome them as if nothing had happened.
On Earth, bodies live, and bodies die. Your soul is never born and your soul never dies. And your soul never knows a distance from Me.
Anguish in life is your choice, but it is not inevitable no matter the circumstances. When you free another, you free yourself. When you carry burdens that are not yours to carry, you carry too heavy a load. You were not born to Earth for heaviness. You were born to life for light and lightness.
You do not have to carry burdens. You do not have to make others' burdens yours. Bless without carrying the burden. If you cannot actively help your son, then perhaps you can help another's.
You are to give love in the world. That is a given. When your heart is hurt or angry, then turn your heart where it is welcome and where you serve.
Interference and control can go only so far, whereas love reaches everywhere, even through tears, for your love is a magnificent wave of My ocean. Never stop giving love.
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