be yourself
Life in the Universe
You are a champion of the Universe. You are a supporter of it, and you cheer it on. You are a sponsor. Life in the Universe is a kind of group sport, beloveds, only, when all is said and done, there is One Team, and there is no other team to play with or against. There is One Team in the whole Universe, and you are on it.
No one is on the sidelines. No one. Even if you hide in a corner, you are on the field. You are a player. How you play is up to you. It is not up to anyone else.
Be Glad to Be You
How gently snow falls. That is how you want to move through life. There is no hurry. There is gentleness. Snow likes the way it falls. It is not concerned with how it piles up or how someone may not want it to snow. Snow doesn't care whether someone grumbles about shoveling, yet snow cares very much about being snow and its approach to Earth. Snow knows it falls from Heaven. Snow knows it is God's delight. Snow itself delights in its snowiness.
May you be as wise as snow and delight in your Beingness which includes your Human Beingness.
To Be Yourself
I have said that you are your own culprit. Your are the source of any complaints you have. This is nothing new, but have you recognized it yet?
Here are some things you can do to avoid opening yourself up to anyone's displeasure and your seeking another's approval. It begins with you, beloveds.
Be Your Own Prince
Beloveds, rally round yourselves. Be your own best friend. Give yourself all the support you wish others would give to you. Whose opinion really matters but yours and Mine?
Learning to Play the Piano
Your life is like a piano you play. A life is a life. A piano is a piano. From a piano, all kinds of notes can be played. A piano can be played fast or slow. A piano can make all kinds of sounds, harmonious and disharmonious. There is a whole range that can be played on the piano.
And so with life.
And you might say, "Well, dear God, some pianos are better than others to start with. It is not all the ability of the pianist who plays the piano he has. Not all pianos are of the same quality."
Naked Truth
When you talk to Me, really talk to Me, your ego walks away. That is one of the beauties of talking to Me. You are not able to load yourself up with pretense when you appear before Me.
Your subterfuges leave, and there is you, and there is I, and We restate your life. We restate your take on life.
Naked were you born, and naked will you leave. Naked here does not mean unclothed. It means true, honest, real, unpretentious. You, without all the ruffles you have put around yourself, you, in your being.
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