Be like the Little Child

God said:

A little child does not carry assumptions and presumptions along with him. He sees as he sees. He has not yet learned to dim his sight by what he has heard. He sees what he sees whereas your vision has too often been clouded over with misbegotten ideas and beliefs.

Young children are endlessly eager to discover the physical world because they know they have never vacated Heaven. Heaven is close to them. It is easy for children to be happy. They educate themselves with play while you tend to wear yourself out with work.

Eager to meet the world is each child as he wakes up. He doesn't know what to expect, and he wants to explore and find what the day brings. You wake up, often seemingly knowing what the world will offer you, and you would rather stay in bed.

What if your day did not span out long before you? What if your day held unexpected treasures? What if today is a day unlike any other that has ever been before? Is it not? What if a day is short? What if each day is a new book that is yours to open? Open it. Don't say you will wait for another day. Open the day that is in your hand right now. Turn the pages. Enter it for all you are worth.

A child is eager for his day because he expects joy. If he doesn't find it, he will make some. Children are your teachers of love, and they would teach you.

If a child has just started to learn to walk, he doesn't caution himself that he may stumble. He enjoys the stumbling and the getting up. Why not?

A child communicates love to you. He bonds with you.

Even children who speak have not yet learned the word "but" that you have learned so well. What does the word "but" do but take away all the possibility of joy that came before it? You tend to say to yourself: "I would love to do what I want to do, but life prevents me … I could be more loving, but …" Leave off the "but" and what comes after. You do not need to keep reminding yourself of why not. Remind yourself of what you want to go for, and go for it.

Do you imagine there is a better occasion than today?

Do you think there is someone else who can give you what you want?

A child has trust. He has trust in what he desires. He does not think trust. He trusts. It does not occur to him not to. He doesn't make a decision for trust. He doesn't debate it. He trusts.

And so must you. Trust that you have desires for good reason. Trust that you need no reasons for and no objections to that which you would like to receive from life. If you want the apple at the top of the tree, climb the tree. If you want to sing, sing. If you want to dance, dance. What on earth can stop you from what you want but a premeditated idea in your mind that swings before you like a watch fob, hypnotizing you into non-trust?

Be like the little child who reaches out for what he wants. He even clasps a bubble and delights in its popping.

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