Barbara's Revelation

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Barbara to God:

Dear God, today I found myself stuck in an old pattern of worn-out thought. Although I could see myself as apart from it, I was still not able to distance myself from it. It had to do with housework and my frustration, etc.

When I thought of You, and asked for Your help in releasing this old habit of feeling that "it's always up to me", I became aware that gratitude alone was strong enough to bust the story. Gratitude and Love or Story. It was up to me to choose.

Was holding on to the story and its suffering worth it? Or was I willing to trust and choose each moment and give these gripes and moans over to You, God?

It was a revealing question. What was I devoted to? God or my story, my ego, my supposed control, my victimhood? Every time the old thoughts arose, I would turn away my attention and say, "Today, I work for God." Pretty soon, the thoughts lost their power and just disappeared. Effortlessly.

Thankfully, there were some Heavenletters to read on email which helped to remind me. You are always Here. I am always Here. The ego and the mind and my thoughts are not Here. They are in the past, or projected into some hypothetical future.

Here is where I ask to be, always. One with You. Today I devote all my housecleaning to You. It is Your house, after all. I am Your handmaiden. I wait on You. You are a kind and loving Master of the House. You even allow me to clean to my own standards, not Yours! Cool! May I always know myself as That which has always been, which never changes, pure love, pure consciousness — You.

I am so grateful for this blessed life. I want to thank You, but I don't even know what to thank You for. Everything. And, Nothing.

Your sweet handmaiden, Barbara

God to Barbara:

I think what We have here is a realized soul.


[I waited for God to say more, and He was silent.]

Would you say more of what You mean?


Barbara is realizing Who She is. On one hand, she does housework and perhaps feels put upon, the one who always has to do the cleaning up. On the other hand, she knows how much more she is than that picture of herself. She stepped out of that old picture-book and proclaimed herself Godness, which is what I have been telling her and you all along.

She said she would accept another picture of herself and begin to tell another story. This time one of Truth.

Barbara transformed nothing but her picture. She was always what she was. What changed was her willingness to believe Me. She is willing to let go of the past and write the present anew, not merely to keep rewriting the same story with the old outcome.

Her choice was well-put. Gratitude or story? Love or the past? And she chose present. She chose Me.

She undid an old corset of ego. She took it off willingly. She replaced her allegiance to ego with regard and allegiance to Me. She replaced the old restrictive bonds with flowing robes of love and beauty. She chose what she would take off and what she would wear. Now she wears herself. Freedom of being.

The sun shines. Accept it.

Thunder rumbles, but it is only a rumble for a while.

Choose the permanent.

Choose truth.

Choose happiness willingly.

Don happiness.

Put the attention you put on small things onto bigger things.

Raise your horizons.

Raise a flag of truth.

Truth reigns.

The sun shines.

I am God.

I am within you.

Let Me blossom within you.

Hallowed be thy God.