Every day a child is born. Every day there is rejoicing. Giving birth is great cause for rejoicing. It proves that even the physical body is an instrument of God's Will. The arrival of a new baby gives you a great inkling of the spiritual realms. You know the baby is more than its physicality, and you know that your baby is fresh from a Godly realm. You know it is a child of God you hold in your arms, and you feel a great surging of love in your heart, and you know you are blessed with the love of God and a fruitful life.
On the Altar of Heaven
Motherhood and fatherhood prepare you for sainthood. The birth of a baby gets you into the cosmic flow. With parenthood, you become less the star and so your world expands. From the arrival of a baby, you learn that your individuality is not so vital. The baby teaches you that you are indeed a servant of God and that you serve Me in every thing. In every leaf of life. As you are less attached to yourself, you are free to give more.