Angel Wings

God said:

To Me, words like hero and coward, go-getter or idler, master or slave, good or evil do not exist. Therefore, I do not contemplate them, and I do not oppose. I do not set Myself against Myself, nor do I set Myself against you, for why would I in the first place? In the second place, how could I?

I know Truth, yet I do not know falsehood. I do not know any opposite. I am for what I am for, and I see what I am for. I do not see what I am not for. I do not believe in shadows. This doesn’t mean that I am laissez-faire. I care. I am Someone Who cares very much. I love, I love very much, but I do not dote. I do not make excuses for you. What is there for Me to make excuses about? What would I excuse you from? What is it that I would judge that I would have to excuse? I see from My eyes, not yours, and My eyes are eyes of love. I see you enshrined in My light, and that, beloveds, is the Truth of you, and that is the Truth of Me.

You see the world as if lit by a flash bulb or strobe light. I see in Immutable Light, and I see well. I do not look at lightning flashes of life. I do not see parts. I see All. I see you very well. I go by the light of Truth rather than the flashes of illusion that you give such hearty allegiance to.

Often you don’t see at all. And often you see what is not there and never was. You see a flash of something and draw conclusions.

Beloveds, you see danger. I know there is none.

You see judgment. I know it for the illusion it is. Yet I do not judge your judgment, even as I ask you to desist.

A judging mind is not a loving mind. I know the true nature of your mind. You may go on excursions, and yet you never leave My heart. You are My thought, and you are kept in the Mind of God. Is there somewhere else you could be?

Unlike you, My thoughts do not escape Me.

And I have no lapses of love. I am Love, and I am intact. I do not get diverted. There is nothing for Me to be diverted to, as if I would even if I could. I am incapable of being diverted from love. Not for one second are My eyes lifted from love. What folly. When love alone is, where else can My eyes look, and what else can they possibly see? Only love is to be seen, and, with love, there is no past nor future to look at.

Love exists outside of time. Love exists outside everything else. Not outside, but within. Not even within, because how is there an inside or outside when love alone is? There is nothing to tell it apart from.

Feel love itself lift you this moment. It heightens your heart. Your angel wings reside in your heart, beloveds. There are no unwingèd hearts. By their very nature, hearts are wingèd.

Your heart was never meant to stay on the ground. It was never meant to be Sherlock Holmes with a microscope. Throw away your microscope. Throw away your telescope. Open your heart instead. Open the lenses of your heart, and open them wide. That is how you, too, will come to know no opposites.


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