And Yet There Is Oneness
People on earth operate in different modes. One person is fast. Another is slow. One is decisive, another indecisive. One is decisive sometimes and indecisive other times. Another person is straight as an arrow, never wavers, or so it would seem. One person tries to please too much, another not enough. Oh, the tiny intricacies of the world, and the divergencies of thought.
Everyone views the world from a unique window. No two see exactly alike. Some even see the world one way today, and tomorrow from a different window, and back again, and around the block. Some do not know how they see, for they are so adaptable to what seems to be expected of them, and they see as needed. And some fill needs. Some create them.
Some are fiery and start fires. Others put out fires as a matter of course.
Bringing peace is not quite the same as putting out fires. Placating is not the same as bringing peace.
It is good to know where you are in the scheme of things. What position have you taken? What is your relationship to the world? What is your relationship with yourself?
Some avoid themselves. Others meet themselves head-on. There are uncountable combinations of individuality in the world. And yet there is Oneness.
It is helpful to know that there are many avenues of thought. You take comfort in those people who see the world the way you do, but that doesn't make them right anymore than their agreement makes you right! What if there were no right nor wrong? What if all there is in the whole wide world is preference. What if you saw the world as multiple choice, and all answers were acceptable? What annoyances would such awareness dissolve? Surely the world is multiple choice. And yet there is Oneness.
Understand some of the preferences. Know your own. And then embrace the Oneness of all Humanity who has so much to choose from and doesn't always know how to choose.
Have your heart in the right place. Be good-hearted and welcome those who disagree with you just as much as you welcome those who agree. Welcome them more for they are lending you their perspective. Regardless of perspective, you come from the same Heaven, and to the same Heaven you return. It is only the little interim on earth that all the fuss is about. The differences are only little decorations on a magnificently-tiered cake that reaches to Heaven. The cake is intact. No matter how many different frostings, the cake itself underlies all.
Why would you resent someone who preferred strawberry over vanilla, or nougat over chocolate? You wouldn't, yet you might resent someone who has other preferences in the world. Perhaps they talk too loud or too quietly. Perhaps they clomp or they tiptoe. Perhaps they think differently from you.
Their thoughts are fleeting, just as yours are. All thoughts fade.
Become aggregate with the Oneness. Oneness doesn't fade. It can only become brighter, more and more visible.
Whatever the differences, they fade next to Oneness. Oneness becomes greater in your eyes. Oneness takes over everything. Beneath the façade of difference rises Unity. Despite what you may think and experience, Oneness reigns. Disputes do not exist. They are aberrations, nothing more. Someone stuck his finger into the frosting, and for a moment there was a break in the smoothness, and yet the frosting fills in. Smoothness is. Your vision has not been reliable — not at all — for how could that which is ever-changing be reliable? And why would you rely on it?
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