affecting the world
A Great Place to Be
It is true that the weather affects you. Everything affects you. And you affect everything too. Nothing happens in isolation. No one weeps alone, and no one laughs alone. You can be affected on the surface level and be aware or unaware, and yet you are affected just the same. On the silent levels, it is a certainty that you are affected by every nuance of the world.
Today Alone
The world needs you to build it. Unless you are building it, you are letting it slip. The world needs you to keep it up.
You cannot wash your hands of the world. You have a hand in it. You are like a mighty rung on a ladder.
That does not mean that you must get into the middle of the fray with your fists. Your thoughts. Remember your thoughts. Let your thoughts solve the problems of the world. Let your thoughts dissolve the problems of the world.
Elevate the World
Today We will pay attention to your view of the world. You know by now that as you think, so thinks the world. It is also the reverse. The world has influenced you considerably. Your relationship with the world has been reciprocal. As goes the world, so go you. As you go, so goes the world.
Grow Heavenward
When you look up at Me, you are not looking down.
World influence often tends to pull you down. My influence, by its very nature, lifts you up. The world has gotten in the habit of denigrating you. The world gives you a false picture. It would cut you off at the start, wanting to keep you indentured to it. I would have you rise to the heights where you rightfully belong. Come, look up. Come see a truer picture of you.
In its efforts to keep you small, the world would squash you. I would unleash you.