accept the truth
The King's Palace of Heaven
You are a light beam of My Being. There is no other explanation for you, beloveds. Without the light and love that are Mine (Ours), you would not exist. You would not know yourself to exist, that is. Now, here is where the words are tricky. You would not exist as a Human Being, though there never is a time that you ever did not exist, just as there will never be a time that you do not exist. You exist eternally. You only imagine there can be a time when you are not. Your imagination takes over, and you cannot tell Truth from fiction. You adhere to time and listen to the ticktock.
Heaven and Truth
You like to think of Me as God in Heaven. Think of Me now as God in Truth. Not that your idea of Heaven is inflated. Not at all. Your idea of Heaven doesn't go high or wide enough. But to My children, Heaven is a faraway place just beyond reach, a future sometime thing, a land of reward you weep for. But Truth is more immediate for you. You know more readily that Truth dwells on earth. You see Truth as more of an essence whereas you see Heaven as a place located elsewhere.