
God said:

You need poetry in your life. Your soul requires that you step out of the banal. Your soul requires that you connect two seeming disparate objects. Metaphor arose from a need. It wasn't the metaphor's need. It was your soul's need. You knew your presentiments of life were not balanced. You knew your view of life was lacking. You knew that poetry speaks more truth than fact, that poetry is not truthfully exaggeration, but that a dim view of life is woefully overstated.

Everything on Earth is a metaphor for the thought it represents. A tree is a metaphor for the upward trend of life. Every tree is the Tree of Life. You are also a tree of life, and your roots go deeper than you have been willing to perceive. And the heights to which you reach are higher than you have dared to propose.

Anything can be compared to anything. You need that stretch. Poetry stretches your heart. Poetry does not come from the mind. It comes from the rhythm of life itself.

Metaphors are not far-fetched. They are expressions of truth. You yearn for truth and you yearn to express it. You yearn to be greater than you believe yourself to be. Your disbelief is in error. You are already far greater than you perceive. This must be so that you are greater than you appear because I created you in My image. I created you Myself.

Appearances are deceiving. You have been deceived into believing that you aren't much more than a crust of bread on earth, a leaf blown in the wind, or a tumbleweed that appears for no known reason only to nettle and then fly off.

If you are dismayed by life, you are misinformed. You have compared life to tragedy. By default, you have not staked your claim for greatness. You didn't believe you could. If you did believe you could, you didn't know how, and so you put your head down. In deference to your heartache, you chose to evade life rather than enter it. You chose to bide your time, and so you placed yourself in the doorway of dismay and defeat.

The truth is that you, who are unbeatable, have beat yourself. You saw defeat, and therefore you chose it, and in deference to the power of your mind, you made defeat come true. Your mind created the concept and then proved what a creator you are. You can even create what you don't want!

But every once in a while, the poetry of the sun appeared in your life, and you had a glimpse of what could be. What you glimpsed was really what already was, but you saw it in the future. You warmed your hands in the energy of the sun.

You must dredge yourself up out of world thought. You know enough of it. You have let world energy cut you down. Choose the energy that lifts you. You are meant to be lifted high. You are meant to fly with the angels. You are meant to soar. You are not meant to be corralled in life like cattle on a ranch.

Beloveds, you have mistaken yourselves on Earth. You took yourself for a pittance of what you are. You may think you have chosen what is easy, but you have chosen what is hard. You have kept thoughts that do not serve.

Pick up the pieces of yourself now. Gather your heart together. Know that you have wings. The wings are your thoughts. Pick them up. Experiment with them. Let them soar and take you with them.

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