Truth or Appearance

God said:

It is better to look at people from depth rather than the surface. It is better to know what you see. It is better to see a diamond and know it is a diamond and not mere glass. Not that the diamond cares. So long as the diamond knows he's a diamond and knows I know his worth, what cares he what another thinks?

A rose does not have more self-esteem than a dandelion. A dandelion knows he's wonderful. There is never a thought that he is not. He does not compare himself, not even to himself. He is not better one day than he is another. He is. A dog doesn't ever think he is less for being a dog. He doesn't covet being a cat. It is not that he knows his limitations. He sees no limitations. His size, his appearance, his pedigree all mean nothing to him. He sees people as he sees himself. None of the outside demeanors matter. Dress, wealth, cleanliness have no worth. Only the essence of the person before him matters.

You are learning about love, what it means to love with the heart without judgment from the mind. You are learning self-love, My beloveds.

Wherever you find yourself, whatever your circumstances, whatever your wealth or non-wealth, whatever your proclivities, you are God's love on earth, and you are not to be dismayed by what anyone or everyone thinks. You are the knower.

Even if you are mistreated, you still know who you are, and you do not convince yourself otherwise.

When you do not know your self-worth, you are like a man in a foreign country without a passport. You scurry around, seeking an identity, trying to escape from being caught. You keep looking for some kind of verification for yourself.

When the world's appraisal becomes the extent of you, you try to be what you think the world wants and you forget who you are, and so you run away from yourself. You become an imposter, as if any façade is worth more than you.

What you are is inviolate. You stand with Me. You do not stand alone. Let the winds blow, and still you stand with Me. Nothing shakes the inevitability of Our Oneness. But your awareness has been shaken.

So it is your awareness that I address. You have been wary of how the world perceives you, when what you have to do is be aware of how I perceive you and then merge your vision with Mine.

The world sees props.

Do not let the world's estimation affect your esteem. Who you are and what the world thinks are two entirely different things. But you need not buy into world vision. It is narrow. And you may well not fit into their parameters. Do you really want to? When you have the world's acclaim, what have you? Enjoy when you have the world's approbation, and know you are far more than any praise of you.

You are really an innocent bystander, and the world pulls you in and leaves you there and accords you a name according to where you happen to have landed.

What you have to remember now is where you come from. You started off on high, and you and the world have denied yourself the credit. Credit yourself now.

You are the divinity of God disguised in a Human body, seemingly at the mercy of events. Your body may stand in the midst of circumstances, but you are far above and far beyond. Circumstances are locations in time. You are beyond any limits of space and time. All is irrelevant next to the light in you. So be it.