Translucent Light

God said:

Light and shadow are also Oneness. Shadow is simply the underside of light. Shadow would not exist without light. And so you wonder, when the world is all enlightened, where will shadow live? Of course, when all the world is bright, shadow will no longer serve a purpose and therefore will no longer exist. The leaf that now makes a shadow will become translucent. The sun will shine through everything. And the sun will shine through you.

Your physicality will not be so dense. Everyone will see right through you -- they will see right through to your heart! This is the translucency I speak of. The sun will shine, and the sun will shine right through your heart. Your heart will be seen for the spinning sun it is.

Enjoy the picture of your heart spinning, catching everything in its wake. Enjoy the picture of your heart whirling like a flutter mill in the breeze. Your heart generates great energy as it spins. Your spinning heart feeds the world. In its perpetual spinning, your heart is spun gold. It spins off itself. It makes electricity.

Your heart will topple all obstacles before they arise. Therefore, there will be no obstacles to topple. Your heart will have smooth-sailing. What can interfere with a generator such as your heart?

Your heart will generate warmth. What else is your heart for? It is a little heater in the center of your chest, and it gives off moist heat. Dry hearts are not meant to exist. Only molten gold will exist, molten gold of full hearts swelling, flowing, their rays leaping out of themselves, capturing everything. Enjoy the picture of the world taken over by molten gold, the world swimming in gold. Golden hearts are the yeast of the universe ever expanding, ever lighting the world.

What will happen to the night sky, you ask, and the stars when darkness is no more? They will be here. The sky will be shades of blue light, and the stars bright beacons announcing Heaven. The stars will be clearly the portholes of Heaven, Heaven shining out on the world through the stars. You will be taking in Heaven’s light, and, therefore, you will no longer be thirsty for it, and yet you will drink all that you desire. You will carry Heaven with you, like a bottle in your back pack, only the liter of Heaven will be located in your heart.

What will you do when you no longer have complaint? What will you do when fear has absconded? What will you do when there are no aches and pains? No hospitals, no prisons, no police, no soldiers, no fortress, no fences, no uniforms, when every heart is see-through and it is seen that hearts blend and there is, after all, only Oneness that exists. Who is there to guard Oneness that needs no guarding when all know they are One? All trouble will be obviated. Love will have obviated it. Trouble will be the only impossible thing on Earth. It will be found nowhere. Soon the concept of trouble will diminish. It will not even be a memory. Only joy will survive.

You will be overtaken with such splendor. The world will be splendorous, and all in it will be splendorous. Grief will no longer exist because you will know that you are already in Heaven, and that you take it everywhere with you. You will know Heaven intimately. You will know Me intimately as part of yourself. You will know the God within. And you will know that everyone and everything is God, for you will see the God within everywhere. There will be no seam between the God within you and the God within another. God will be God. Sun will be light, and you will knowingly bask in the light of God.