To Know Oneness

God said:

All disturbance is of the mind. You may think disturbances happen out there, but disturbance occurs in the mind. The mind says: "Oh, no. Best you make something out of this. Recognize the enormity of this, and block it. Tense up now. Be alerted that this outside event is to cause you anxiety, and act accordingly."

As a matter of fact, an untoward event does not even have to occur for you to be upset. All you have to do is to give it a thought, and it might as well have happened because you tend to react to it just the same as if it had. What do you think anxiety is? It is fear of what has not happened. Of course, fear is also a string that pulls an imagined event toward you.

If no one thought of war, would there be war?

When there is war of any size, personal or global, Oneness has absurdly assumed it is fractured. You are on one bank of the river, and your made-up opponent on the other, as if it were possible that Oneness could be less than Oneness. Do you see what an imagination you have? You imagine a fraction where only Wholeness can be. You shoot at yourself in a mirror with a slingshot. You convince yourself you have abolished a foe when it is yourself you cracked in the mirror.

You are a steward of the universe. You are not to make rifts or allow them. You are to prevent or, at least, mend them. Let there be no broken bones in your life. Now you understand what it means to pull out the splinter from your own eye.

The seriousness you display is such folly. You think that your life depends upon matters in the world. Your life depends upon nothing. Your life is sacrosanct. You can never be without it. Of course, you have sometimes confused your life with your body. Your body is the least of you. I am the Most of you.

I do not referee your disputes. I do not take sides. I do not see sides. I do see tomfoolery. I give My love to lift you above it.

Your body is just a disguise. You understand that, don't you? And yet you forget. And yet you pretend your body is your life. Your body is just something your life hangs on to for a while. Your life is the only thing that is forever. Surely fame is not. Surely the trinket you hold dear is not. But you are. There is no getting away from it. Eternity is the bed you lie on.

All whom you meet now, you will meet again. You have never been unmet. You know you will give up your fantasy of apartness, and you will recognize your Oneness once again. Consider that you are Oneness. You might as well venture there now. It is a foregone conclusion that your awareness will return to Oneness. Why not skip the steps and honor your Oneness as We speak? What do you have to lose but war and distress and worry and affront? If you hold those dear, then keep them. If you hold Oneness dear, then, once and for all, embrace it.

It is such a simple thing really to accept your Oneness with all of creation. Let go of the little popsicle sticks you put up to separate yourself. Surround yourself with the love in your heart, emanate it, and you will know Oneness and bask in it.