The Voice of Love

God said:

I speak to you only from the bottom of My heart. There is no other place for Me to speak from. I have One Voice. That is how it is. I have the Voice of Love. I am not a God of thunder and lightning. I am a God of Love.

I know you sometimes feel that I do terrible things, that I cause floods and havoc and death and all that.

Once upon a time there was a Norse God of Thunder. What a hullabaloo, yet all he was doing, was rearranging his furniture in the attic. That was all the noise and lightning. A simple God was clearing the way.

A God of Love loves, yet He is not always at liberty to suit you to a T. You have free will. I, Who have the freest Will in Heaven and on Earth, am not always at liberty to change the whole ballgame. It is not exactly that I go along with the past, yet I take care to protect the very foundation of the wobbly Earth you stand on. There are matters in motion that are better left in motion. To you, of course, death of the body is horrific. I do not see as you do. I understand how you see. I don’t exactly fluff it off, nor can I follow your vision. If I followed your vision, you do not know what would happen to the world. You don’t know what a jumble would be made of it. I encourage you to see from My vaster point of view, and then your eyes will widen, and everything will fall into place because you see better.

I am a God of Love.

I suppose you could say that, once upon a time, I laid down the law. It is love I laid down. My love is far-seeing. I would not remove a single brick of it.

Even in what you may see as the worst tragedy, there is another view or more from which to see it. A child loses his toy truck, and he cries his heart out. The truck is gone. The child cries his heart out. He will survive the loss of his truck. He does, doesn’t he?

Whatever occurs in the changeable world hastens you along. Whatever happens is a step up. You may not like it. Nevertheless, you have been boosted up. No one likes to flunk a test. Yet that very event may be a blessing. You have heard the expression: blessing in disguise. Everything you perceive as loss is a blessing. You do not yet see how.

The whole world was presented to you with love. Of course, it is all a blessing. And when you cannot see the blessedness, then know it is a blessing in disguise. If everything is a blessing, and the blessing part is unknown to you, then it must indeed be a blessing in disguise. You don’t know how or why. You don’t know how a deep loss can be a blessing. How can a broken heart be a blessing? Yet, even down the human road, you may begin to see.

Whole books have been written on how can there be tragic events involving good people. Events are not punishment. Let Me say that despite the impact events have on you, no matter how much they rend your heart, there is something more to be seen. The world speaks of tragedy. I don’t. Even in what you see as tragedy, tragedy is not. You do not see Me weeping. If there were loss as you see it, then I would be a God of weeping when I am a wholesome God of Love. It is better for Me to love. I ask you not to suffer. Suffering is an affliction you put on top of certain events. You don’t have to.

Read Comments

"I encourage you to see from

"I encourage you to see from My vaster point of view, and then your eyes will widen, and everything will fall into place because you see better."

I feel it is very true... soon as I pray to God and letting Him helping me to do this, and gratefully, I can feel the shift in the way I see when I look around me. I feel there is only love and peace around me, and feel my heart become lighter and brighter…

it is so wonderful, wishing to always be in His way…

Ah, lovely! Thank you,

Ah, lovely! Thank you, beloved Tri with all my heart.

A blessing in disguise

I wonder if this Heavenletter is a pre-mortem or a post-mortem to the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Is it another kind of picnic we are invited to?

It is inevitable that, in what we call tragic events, we tend to blame God for what happened. How can we humanly find a blessing in disguise in these events of catastrophic proportions?

From a strictly human point of view, we cannot behold the world and think about knowing God. If we have to recognize a loving God through a chaotic state of the earth crust, then we must decide without hesitation that if one is true, the other one is not.

If God is true, then destruction cannot be real. This is a very hard statement but an indestructible one, because it is Truth. There can be no place for destruction in One, otherwise it would deny God Himself.

Assault can ultimately be made only on the body. There is little doubt that one body can be destroyed by another body. Yet if destruction itself is impossible, anything that is destructible cannot be real. Destruction therefore does not justify anger.

This seems the cold logic of One. But let us admit that believing that we understand what we perceive through catastrophies might be a mistake. Because the meaning is lost to us. We have lost the meaning somewhere along the road. And that very meaning is that the choice of which is true (God or the physical world) is not ours to make. If it were, we would have already destroyed ourselves.

In blaming God for terrestrial events, we question His Reality, because we think He is attacking our reality and that destruction around is proving that we were right.

But God has saved the meaning for us, even if we think we lost it. The blessing in disguise is that the end of the world is not its destruction but its translation into Heaven. This is a test of Faith.

Beloved Normand, this

Beloved Normand, this Heavenletter was written down about three months ago!

I love your expression: translation into Heaven.

About Faith, there is a Heavenletter somewhere in which God says that Faith isn't much.

This is one of those ideas

This is one of those ideas ("faith") where it is difficult to find the proper word!

Plus, there are quite a few

Plus, there are quite a few Heavenletters that tell a different story about faith. I don't think that's a problem. We have seen many instances of apparent contradiction or inconsistency in Heavenletters, clearly a call to consider both sides. If there is a problem at all, it lies in our quickly passing some judgment to keep things comfortably simple.

And so it goes with words

And so it goes with words like heart, mind, spirit, and soul. Personally I can hardly conceive a heart without a mind even if it sometimes seems that a heart can think by itself. God's terminology is definitely not physiological but ours is.

Truth or illusion

The "choice" between "God or the physical world" reminds me of "You cannot serve two masters".

It still holds truth,

It still holds truth, indeed. Can we really serve two masters, especially if one is not real?


Yes, I uttered those wise words few thousands years ago.

forgive me dear God,

dear God heavenley father,
i asking you for give me what am thought,
thank you for your answer me of my thought,
and also am question to my self all this happen the flood and havoc,
whers is com from, am refuse am not to belive is not from you this happind,
because i know you are love, and love kan not be hurted, and am folow
in your vision is not my vision to folow,
i am gratitud you answer me of this question of my mind,
and this your masseges today it reley mein to me in my life
and forgive me dear God father,

and all that

No no, it's all right, floods and havoc and death are not the big problem. My heart goes out there and many hearts do, and everything is held somehow and safe, even despotism, even merciless exploitation of man and nature, even what we still do to the children of the world.

My point is that those things ought to make us see. Trying to believe that we are children of God, that is, God, it hurts my sense of dignity to still find us groping in the dark and attributing all sorts of hilarious nonsense to the Elephant. It hurts my sense of dignity to still find myself deaf and blind when I'm supposed to be "holy" and "glorious" and know it. It hurts my sense of dignity when I find myself windowshopping for all the wonderful realizations Heavenletters display but still not really grasping anything, let alone living it. It hurts my sense of dignity that a supposed child of God, after a full life of searching, is still only childish instead of child-like. Why does a child of God have to squirm like a bag of rainworms so endlessly? Oh, yeah, I know, it's all the Oneness of love. Sorry, it is NOT. If you see no bleedthrough of this fabulous holiness, glory and God-likeness in your everyday experience, how are you to believe in love and candy of that kind? If, contrary to what you try to imagine now and again, the vise of fear, terror and anger around your heart does not open even a millimeter, what you are going to say after some time, even to whoever composes these Heavenletters, is Oh well.

Everyone, please go to the

Everyone, please go to the blog and read An Email from Japan.

Dignity is a form of ego.

Self worth

Dignity might also be the claim to our wholeness.

Message from Japan

Hi Gloria and friends!

Wonderful letter always!! But so very needed in this time of global blessing, appearing to so many as suffering/tragedy. The cracks in the world are like the cracks in the global egg as it hatches out into new life! As the massive tectonic plates move, so we are moved to reconnect with our hearts. We awaken from our loveless sleep into the realisation that it is OUR hearts which make the difference. Time for humanity to allow the removal of the old limits, to break through the hard shell of our defences, which keep out life and love and apparently separate us from one another! The ego-shell has served it's purpose, and must now fall away as the new age of Humanunited is birthed! There is no 'death' as such, just continual process. Always a begoing - a wave of those whose time is complete here, and a becoming - a wave of those whose time is just beginning. Let us treat each moment, each One as precious and take no-one and thing for granted. Our gratutude for the gift of our present will transform our experience!

Thankyou Gloria!

much love
Marigold :) x x x

Another message from Japan and how we can help

Dear Friends and Family,
Instead of looking only at the devastation that has occurred since the earthquake in Japan; let us focus on the solution. One way we can do this is through visualization. It can change things. I remember when the Berlin Wall fell. Many of us said. "Yes we are a part of that because we kept seeing it fall visualizing the freedom of all those in East Berlin". We can do it again in Japan. There is a way for us to change ourselves and the world. Think positive thoughts and see pictures of the results you want instead of seeing what you don't want.
blessings and love to all my family, friends and sisters and brothers in Japan

We focus our energies on the Japanese nuclear reactors which have recently developed problems following the earthquake. This presents a potential threat to all life on the planet - Your participation in this visualization is one way of helping to
create a safe resolution to this dire situation. Visualize water being pumped into the reactor. see the rods and reactors totally submerged in this cool water. Know that the cooling is happening in this enclosed system.


Dearest Gloria, thankyou!

I went to the park to restore my spirit with the trees the day the quake first broke in Japan, and found a pen at my feet on the grass. On picking it up, I found it was a very nice Japanese brush pen! As someone who is moving into my messengership (!) as a writer, I wondered at the synchronicity.
Yesterday I remembered a young Japanese student who I met last autumn, practicing his trombone playing in another park, and made a note to sent him a goodwill e mail today although we haven't been in contact recently and I have no idea of his welfare or whereabouts.

I feel very blessed to have found Heavenletters. Heavenletters reassure me about the words which come through me as I sit to write freely everyday, or ask the questions which trouble my heart or inspire my mind. I created my e mail password some 15 (?)years ago with our first pc. It stands for "Marigold's conversations with god " At the time, I had no idea of the path I would be treading today - and I know I am barely started!

a big hug to you
Marigold :)

Hugs back, Marigold. It is

Hugs back, Marigold. It is wonderful to share God.

Marigold holds our heart so gently.

And she reminds us how to Think.

Back home from Iwo Jima and the occupation of Japan, we took a darling Japanese girl into our home for a full year. She still calls me "Daddy Monta". Her father and I became close friends. Love is like that. Marigold beautifully reminds us of what we can learn by reading Heaven Letters.


The Voice of Love

Another brilliant loving message addressing our seeming world of suffering past and present. God here tries to lovingly tell us that we are just a theater of free will actors on a stage, in say, God's theater, or maybe "playground" is better. I love that the message said, "it's ALL a blessing, therefore some that do not appear to be, must be a blessing in disquise. That things in motion are best left in motion" ...though we on our level of consciousness yet cannot understand why. All is blessing. All is love. I can trust this.

Towjays, Joyce, runs and plays in a way that's beautiful.

Joyce knows all about happy ever after life styles and urges us on in her sweet way!


Suffer? You don't have to! Really now?

It makes no difference what you call it; if it hurts your senses you will call it suffering.

I held men in my arms in the WWII as they took that final step up the Golden Ladder into their real, final destination.

It felt and seemed like suffering to their limited earth senses. As their spirit eyes opened to the glory they had left but a short few years before, they did not gasp in wonder, or roll their eyes in unbelief, they simply were what they always knew it would be like to be HOME.

We can only see from where we are and we can only be what we have become in our world walk or dance down the yellow brick road. We smile to the Ones holding us and laughingly say: "Yup, we're not in Kansas any more." Love does that sort of thing. Read the Heaven Letters, they will tell you how to think in order to become what you are.


Thank you again, dear

Thank you again, dear George, for your kind and inspiring words of wisdom.

Suffering is mostly related to attachment.Things of the world are only signs that constantly point to the Eternal. Change, which includes death, is the translation of those signs into Reality. Change always points to the Changeless. Change helps us to translate the meaningless into the meaningful

In the end, what do we fear to lose if not only loss?

Why do I suffer?

You say: I ask you not to suffer. This must mean, at some level, my choice or my acquiescence is involved in my suffering. My logical mind tells me that if You ask me not to suffer, I must be capable of complying, or not complying. You also say: Suffering is an affliction you put on top of certain events. What I am hearing is You pointing to where my suffering comes from. It must be the meaning I have learned to attach to events; it must be my doing. I know my suffering is not consciously chosen, and it is not exactly clear to me how I am such an active participant, but what I am clearly hearing is that it is somehow within the realm of my control. I know that whenever I am suffering it has been an easy thing for me to point to an external cause. When I find myself in the midst of suffering, maybe I need to take a couple of steps back and look for the missing ingredient that so quickly transforms certain events into my suffering. Is what You have called illusion part of this mystery? I know You will help, You always do. Thank You.


I love the way you express

I love the way you express it, Chuck. I think that until we will be dwelling in this illusion, clinging to people, events, goals, of this evanescent dream called life on earth, we will be suffering, because we keep looking for certainties where there are none. God also says in this letter that "Whatever occurs in the changeable world hastens you along" and I have come to trust it. So faith or trust or confidence in God may help us to lighten our burden while walking towards that moment when all the joy will be ours again and forever.

These are deep thoughts,

These are deep thoughts, Chuck, that really make me wonder. "Complying or not complying" as well as "acquiescence" seem to imply that suffering is somehow coming at me and I have to decide on a response, whereas the sentence you quoted, Suffering is an affliction you put on top of certain events, appears to be saying that suffering is wholly our own invention based on some interpretation. Is there, then, no real suffering, is suffering only ascribed, merely "the meaning I have learned to attach to events" as you put it? If so, the solution would be shockingly simple and would not necessitate a search for "the missing ingredient". We would not even have to revoke or redesign our interpretation, just to drop it. Which means not to think the thought any longer.

Could it be we don't believe this is possible? Could it be we believe there has to be a lot of work or research involved? Do we believe there is nothing we can do about our thoughts, that we are sentenced to having them? That we can at best suppress them for a while? Well, I certainly did.

There is a recent Heavenletter that counsels to lovingly ask our mind to get off our back and no longer harass us with unpleasant thoughts. I am experimenting with this with varying degrees of success. I find I'm coming back to it, even after repeated failure. Suppose your thought of suffering could simply drop off your mind and heart. Wouldn't that be more than wonderful? No thought of suffering, no suffering. I think the only thing we need to do is to desire this from the very depth of our hearts again and again. And again. Suffering is a good incentive for that. Chronic deep suffering is best. Whoever can call lifelong unhappiness his own has hit the jackpot. Only half-kidding.


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