The Script of Your Life

God said:

There is cause for love. There is no other cause. Life itself is a case for love. The instance of life is an occasion for love. It is an opportunity to mark love.

Consider life for a moment as a calendar of love. On this calendar, you describe love. Fill up your calendar with indications of love. Encircle love on your calendar. Entwine it from one occasion to another. Merrily move love along. Make arrows of love back and forth and every which direction.

Make your life a calendar of love. Mark it with bright magic marker.

Even as you read this, you are describing your life. You are marking it. Your life becomes a somersault of love, you, an acrobat of love. Life is a juxtaposition of love, and you juxtapose it. You balance it.

You are a juggler of love. You take the love I've given you, and you throw it up in the air, and you catch it. You do this all at once. You throw the oranges of love and you catch them. That is life.

You are a magician of love. You portray love in such an enchanting way, full of surprises. You make hearts skip a beat as you pull love out of your pocket. You mysteriously play hide-go-seek with love. You toss it ahead of you, and you toss it behind you, and you find it around every corner because you threw it there.

Love pops up at every turn. Love encompasses the universe, and it encompasses you. Let's face it. Love is. And you are. And you are love, and I am love, and every single thing on Earth and in Heaven is love. You might as well make love known to yourself.

You think love is absent now and again, but how can it be? Only, sometimes you are absent from love. Sometimes you even steel your heart against love. Sometimes you make a big to-do about it. But love is always present, whatever you make of it or not.

There is no impulse without love. If love is an energy, what are you? Love made you. Love continues you. You cannot be less than love.

Don't you perhaps think it is time for you to claim love? Love, and nothing else but love? You do not need to carry the dregs and dross of life any more. They have weighed you down. Love, on the other hand, lifts you up. It makes you soar. Love lifts the whole universe. The universe is supported by love.

What do you think it is that makes the planets spin? What keeps them in their path? What else but love is capable of that?

Love is a sturdy solider. It is stalwart. It is undaunted. Love just keeps going, and you might as well go with it. Choose to walk beside love. Do more than follow it.

It is not that you are to discover love. It has already been discovered. And yet you discover it again and again.

Make love your platform. Make love the star that guides you. Which way is love? Make way for it. Love is in bloom. This is the season for love. There never is a season nor reason but love.

Let lovelight fall from your eyes. Let your eyes pick up lovelight from others' eyes. Let love light your heart, and let your heart light others.

Love is easy. It never was meant to be hard. Take away the debris, and you will see that love starred all the time. Love starred, and love was behind the scenes. Love was written in to the script of your life. Now read your lines well.