The Radiance of Your Heart

God said:

When you see that I am really within you and within everyone, what then? Will there not be a bounce in your step? Think of it. If you walk down a busy street in New York, you will know from the tips of your toes to the crown of your head that there is God alone within and without. And if you walk down a quiet lane in the country with no one else around, still you are surrounded and filled with God. One day you will notice. It will be effortless. You will recognize: “Yes, this is how it is.”

And yet your experience will be beyond words. There are no words to express the boundless. No matter how you try, words cannot conjure the experience nor do justice to it. When you come close up to Oneness with Me and everyone and everything in creation, what do words and definitions and explanations have to do with it? Words are just the aftertaste of something so delicious, it is word-defying.

Imagine the welcome you feel when you begin to see where you have always been welcomed. Nothing is changed! Only your awareness has opened to itself. Your heart is a beautiful blooming flower. The flower of itself opens up and fills every nook and cranny of your heart and streams into your bloodstream, overflows everywhere, reaching everywhere, subsiding nowhere. The world is filled with the radiance of your heart. Your heart is like the story of the yeasted pastry dough that filled the bowl, the house, the town.

Only your heart is more subtle. You don’t see it bounding everywhere. The best you can know is that your heart is full, full of recognition, this burgeoning flower of your heart.

I foresee your heart taking over the whole world in an instant. Fast-growing is your heart.

Your heart is a great broom that will sweep all the litter away.

Your heart is the ace of hearts.

Your heart surrenders itself to the world. “Here, take me,” your heart broadcasts. Your heart speaks: “I televise myself to the world. I will sweeten the world. I will overcome its banks. I will erupt from every mountain. I will wave the grass in the meadow. In my surrender to the world, I take it over. I remodel it. I do not tear it down, and yet I build it up. I transform it. I clean all the windows. I make them shine. I polish the silver.

“I direct traffic. I am at all the school crossings.

“I, a beautiful heart, I am letting you know that I am very intimate with God. I am letting you know that really God and I exist. We are known as love. God and love are interchangeable in this heart. And God is the sole content of a very full heart that speaks its heart out now.

“I ask you, the supposed owner of me, this heart that beats within you, to free me from the bounds of your thoughts. I ask you, the supposed owner of me, to set me free altogether without even one restriction from you.

“If I am tired, I am tired of your restrictions. Heart beats are easy. It’s your clamping me that is hard. Free me, and see how I beat. See how high I can bounce you. See how high you can soar without ever coming down. See what it’s like to let me, your beating heart, lead you. See where I take you. See where the Oneness of God and me take you. We’ll show you greater sights than you think possible. When the three of us, God, heart, and mind take off together, you are in for a trip. Get set, ready, go.”