The Open Door of Heaven

God said:

Do not think that when your body leaves that your past life must flash before you before you are admitted to Heaven. The passage you call death isn't about a review of your life. Death and entry into Heaven are not about seeing all you have done that it would have been better if you had not, or all that you did not do and wished you had. Your full-flung entry into Heaven isn't about the moments you have missed any more than it is about the moments you would undo. There is no need for an accounting to mark your entry into Heaven. Absolutely not.

Isn't this what you have already been doing your whole life long. Haven't you filled your life with a past accounting of what you rue. Do you really think you would be asked to do that again before admittance into Heaven? If such record-keeping were a precursor to Heaven, you have already fulfilled it over and over again during your stay on earth. Why would it be asked of you one more time? For what purpose? You are already well-familiar with all that you call mistakes. You don't need to recollect them. You've collected them too carefully as it is.

For Heaven's sakes, entry into Heaven is leaving all that behind! You don't need a pass to enter Heaven. You don't need absolution. Absolve yourself of the past now, and you will be in Heaven while you are on earth. Let that unseemly past go. Be done with it. It is the past.

Let go of that ill-fated past! I don't ask you to ruffle through its pages. I ask you to throw that old book out. Why would you want to go over it again, and why would I, your Creator, go out of My way to make you do it? Why would I make THAT your path to Heaven?

Who would be admitted to Heaven if all the accumulated errors were considered? What human being in human terms would get through? Heaven is not exclusive. It is where you are supposed to be. It is rightfully yours without further ado. Entering Heaven does not require an exam or a passing grade. Heaven is an open door. All it requires is love, and I have enough for all. Enter into My love, and then it is yours. Passing into Heaven is passing into My love. That is available to you always. I know your worthiness. You don't know yours.

Just because your child spills ink, you do not keep him outside. He has his home with you, not based on performance, but based on the fact that he lives there. Home is where he belongs, ink spilled or not. The child in your keeping is your child in your keeping. You do not exile him for being a child. His worth is in love, not excellence of performance. And I am your Parent, and your home is with Me. Nowhere else but with Me is home enough for you. Nowhere else are you so welcomed as you are with Me. I exclude no one from My arms of love. Accept.

Besides all that, you are guilty of nothing. Your trespasses have been because you didn't know better, and next time you will surpass the past, for from ignorance comes knowledge. Aggravate your heart no more. You are coming to Me now.

Right now, instead of toting up your sins and omissions, start noting all the good you have done in your brief passage of life. If you must keep a record, that is the one to keep. Much of the good you have done has been unmarked. Mark it now.

In your mind, consider that you walk past a long fence, and you touch the fingers of your hand to each fencepost in silent reminder of all the good you have done. You will never finish this errand, for the good you have done is endless. But start now, marking the goodness you have done. Keep your goodness current in your mind. Then you are in your truth, and in Mine.