The Nature of Freedom

God said:

Rather than ask questions, give love. Is it so hard to give love? Must an inquisition come first?

Somewhere along the line, you learned that pride comes before all else, that ego, disguised as pride, is foremost, that dignity counts more than love. You too often let your mind decide love for you. Your mind judges if you are giving love in the right place, and how much love you should give given the mind’s counting factors. And, so, you are mindful of yourself and what you have to gain when, all the while, love is the heart’s domain, when giving is the heart’s domain. According to your heart’s giving is your heart’s wealth. Only a heart giving of itself has room to receive. Only a loving heart is wealthy.

A heart of love is not a stinting heart. A heart of love does not count pennies. A heart of love cannot be a miser and be a heart of love at the same time.

You are concerned about ego, or you are giving love. Which is it?

Ego pats your back. Love strengthens from inside.

You know that I am a big proponent of love. I sing its praises to the High Heavens. I extol love. I proclaim it.

Is more love in the world needed? Then you must promote love. I am not talking about love in neon lights. I am talking of simple acts. I am not talking of long romance or special personal relationships. I am talking of giving love wherever you are. It is a courtesy to give love.

If you see an unruly child in a store, here is an opportunity for you to smile at the child. If you see a cross mother who has lost patience, do not frown at her. Of course, she should be kind and loving and not cross. So then be you kind and loving, even if it is without a word. Do not condemn even silently. Do not condemn.

There is no one in this world who can’t use a little blessing from you. Surprise someone. Surprise everyone. Surprise yourself.

Surely you have your own problems. What of that? That is not the point. The point is that you are here on Earth to give love. You are not here to focus on your problems. You are here to love. Loving doesn’t mean to condone. It means to give a little sweetness to others along the way. You are not indentured to someone because you give. You are free to give, that’s all. If you can help someone carry a package up the steps, why wouldn’t you? You didn’t think of it? Why didn’t you think of it?

You are a humble servant to all on Earth. That is not humiliating. When you see a need, you fill it, and so you raise yourself higher and higher. He who puts a pillow under someone’s head has heightened the world.

Have your eye out for opportunities to leave a trail of love like pebbles on your path.

When you feel bereft, that is prime time for you to give a gift of yourself, not in pride, but in humility, not in need but in the spirit of giving.

No longer overlook even one opportunity to give as you pass by another being. Be like a soft summer breeze. As you open your heart, you open others’ hearts. You open the heart of the world. You welcome life. You venture forth in life. Grab hold of life. As you grab hold, you release your hold, and you give love, and that is the nature of freedom.

Read Comments

a heart opening

A heart opening is like a flower opening...a blooming. Before the bloom was a bud...and a bud contained every element of a complete flower in bloom. And likewise, before an opening, our hearts contain all of the ingredients...all of the love...before the opening. It is indeed a mystery why some hearts open the way they do...and when they do. It is is okay. It is best not to compare hearts...just like it is wise not to compare flowers. It is most auspicious to love them all...all of the buds and all of the blooms...all of the open hearts...and all of the hearts that appear closed. Our task...our most holy to love all that is...regardless...especially regardless... of what we think. Loving you...Jim(i)

Loving you always

It is indeed a mystery, a most amazing and beautiful mystery...... so, lets get on with loving each other and seeing the world through God's eyes.
this morning when I reached to office, 8 am, one of my collegues was already having an argument and was really in for it...... I really was surprised, for I had to smile and I loved him exactely for who he was in that moment, he is really quite tender and tries in all ways to mask... and I thanked God for this vision....
But of course, I love angels without disguise like you Jim, so very much...
thanks for flocking your love here !!
much love.

The time machine

"You are concerned about ego, or you are giving love. Which is it?"

It sounds a little like an ultimatum. For the ego it definitely is. What is about love is in fact about what we really are. Since we don't really know yet who we are, we are afraid of this "who we are". In Heaven we create because God created us in Heaven. But on Earth, we don't really create, we are mostly on Earth to Heal. And we are healing from the ego who can only fear, attack and negate what we really are. So its best weapon is to make you forget or distract you. Healing is about recognizing that we have been wrong in separating wholeness in our personal mind. But God never created us "wrong". Error never really happened except in the imagined self.

Ego does not understand the Present, the Now because it invests heavily in the past. In fact, only the past tense is meaningful to the ego. And it will invest in the future by making sure that it will be like the past. So basically it is avoiding the Present while Love is pure Present. That is why the ego is afraid of Love. It is suicidal for the ego to acknowledge the Present because its game has always been consisting in creating images that have the appearance of Present but these are fake mimics of the Present. Love does not have to determine the future according to the past. Love is Now, Love Is.

Love holds all of its meaning in the Present, the Now which is an insertion of Eternity into time. Ego is making us respond to only images as if they were present. So we are always reacting to the Present from a past reference point.

Here comes the time where we have to escape from those shadowy images or symbols from the past. The only hold these images have on us is when we still want to bring them with us. Pleasure and pain are also illusions that the ego uses to extend itself in our personal mind as a substitute to Eternity. If we want to heal we have to give up the past (the good, the bad and the ugly). Healing can be accomplished only in the Present. So time becomes only a temporary device until we reach a point where it becomes unnecessary because we are healed. So time is as what you believe it is. If it is referring to the past, it is nothing.


woderful explain Norman, i love your explanition,
i learn in my life not live in ego al my pas i have to forget
and go my new way of life, we are give a light to every -one
and love them yes i can feel people hunger of love,
its the people need love now,
you are her to love and we are to love,,

Dear Carmen, it is wonderful

Dear Carmen, it is wonderful to have you back. Definitely you really know how to extend God's Love to the world. You are so generous. And the good news is that there are as many ways as the number of people on this planet to extend God's Kingdom.

"The point is that you are

"The point is that you are here on Earth to give love.
You are a humble servant to all on Earth.
Be like a soft summer breeze. As you open your heart, you open others’ hearts."

amazingly beautiful ! thank you !!!
much love

Love strengthens from

Love strengthens from inside.

You are here to love.

You are a humble servant to all on Earth.

Be like a soft summer breeze.

....... :)

sharing LOVE

Actually Gloria, I live in a hi-rise and make a copy of each Heaven letter and scotch tape it to my door.......for all those who may pass to read, if they choose. My door is right near the there are many who read.

Have a wonderful Christmas season.......

In Love,Light,Life,Joy,Truth.....Jackie

Jacqueline, this is sooo

Jacqueline, this is sooo nice and creative!

The Nature of Freedom, December 13, 2010

Gloria, you write the words of the life we are living.
You are the reflecting mirror of our inner realizations, as we together learn to be better children of God on earth.
You reinforce what we already know but are too busy, too rushed, too scattered to focus on to know consciously.
You bring our inner lessons to light in words so that we better recognize ourselves.
Reading your nudges, I wrote this in a notebook:
Smile gently on those you meet. Let your heart open in the flower of goodwill. Embrace the other.
Smile at life. Do not judge silently. Do not carry that grudge.
You were created free – free to give blessing, free to give cursing. Choose wisely.

Thank you for the daily nudges, to be better, to do better, to rise up over.

am in now dear Gloria,

dear God and Gloria,
i wan to thank very very much you helping to com in, in the porum its nice to be her agein,
i want to tel my vacation in the philippines i been hard my travel because i been fly 36 hours
befor i in the eirfort, my vacation i breing a lot of mony is not for my self i give to the poor people
its my gol of my vacation, i give everything what i have, because it my dream to give,
and also i was of my berth place i kiss my birth place, one in the porum and one for me,
and i was veset in the montain but the montain it gone becom plat but stel i give my voice
to that montain the have and i can hear my voice,and am continue my travel, every people
around me look sadnes and so pety but i can aford to give its also my gol why am there
to give the lastday my travel i buy rice 1000 kelo share to every one that rice i buy
and goingback home,
i have a wodeful jorny,,

You are so beautiful,

You are so beautiful, Carmen. And what you write is a poem.


DEAREST MAESTRO, Ah, the nature of freedom is something I've been thinking about a lot these days that will be the very essence of Life in the 5th dimension.

It'll be a time when we'll all know that everyone's free for the first time to say "everyone's worth loving!". Those incarcerated in prisons,
and those who have felt for so long quite bereft of love. That feels like hell, I must admit. If one does't feel lovable and worth another's
admiration and appreciation, what's the use of living? It is of the utmost importance to make sure one's children realize a sense of their wonderful worth. Ah, to kiss a child goodnight after a lovely bedtime story or lullaby. Life is meaningless without love and appreciation and admiration, and the joy that accompanies all that.

now i undesrtan,

dear God and Gloria,
now i uderstan what God maen to os about love,
i been suprise my self am born of love i dont know notice
all what i do her in the aerth is love am reading this messeges
of God agein and agein to understan, hews words,
its like crismasgift he giveng to os and me to understan,
hes letter,

For all of us, beloved

For all of us, beloved Carmen.

So happy you're back on the forum!


i want thank you so much you helping me to com in
in the porum my love GLORIA,

beloved Carmen, soooooo

beloved Carmen,

soooooo happy you are back dear !!!!!!!!!!!! hugs and kisses to you !!!
much much love.

The point is that you are

The point is that you are here on Earth to give love.
You are a humble servant to all on Earth.
As you open your heart, you open others’ hearts.

much love


Yes Berit , and Ego pads your back but LOVE strengthen your whole. Smile that contagious smile Love to ALL Jack

God's freedom bathes us in Love

For a while I have been away and getting used to my chemo which has met God in His working place.

My PSA went down from a very active 16 to zero in two months. I must continue the chemo, but at a much reduced dose, much easier to handle.

In this we see the working of Living love showing how the Consciousness of Is in the moment of now, lets us experience God at His favorite pastime; "HEALING" the memories of this dream.

He's like Gloria, or Jochen, or Santhan, or, or, or I could name all who speak His love into our hearts.

George back as strength returns

"HEALING" the memories of

"HEALING" the memories of this dream

Wow, goose bumps.

Divine Blessing!

George is back...hiuhuu!

May this divine love flow through us!

May the divinity be experience in us!

May we be the instrument of this bliss!

May we communicate in this divine love!

May this divine love shower upon us!

May we bath in this divine experience!

May we know the truth about our divinity!

May the divine touch us to bring divinity!

May we be in love all the time!

A divine blessing!

Yes George is back. The chemo is on going and saps my strength. I can only be up for a while. I read every Heaven Letter but don't often feel well enough to type a comment. I'm sure I'll get better or I'll join my darling wife. This is win win. Life is good and I was made very happy by the love in words from the Heart of God.


Beloved George, we kinda

Beloved George, we kinda like having you here. That is an understatement. Thanks for writing. We understand what it means for you to do that. God bless you always.

Gloria Beloved:

Gloria your words of love warm me and help me want to stay in the this complex life. Like so many others I say I love you.


Yeah God!

Thank you Ms. Godwriter for every lovely message. Each day I am reminded of the One Truth - God is Love and Love is all there Is.

I appreciate your gift of time and attunement to bring this forward

Blessings dear one!

Beloved Dawn, welcome! You

Beloved Dawn, welcome! You are the wife of someone I am happy to know! Thanks for posting, dear angel.

You have pledged yourself to

You have pledged yourself to Me. You have no more decisions to make. They are made. Your decisions are made in Heaven. Listen quietly. Do not wrack your brain. Let My answers come to you like quiet snow. Individual snowflakes descend from on high and cover the earth with a whiteness that leaves no doubt of its arrival. But the snowflakes fall gently. The earth makes no big ceremonial. The earth receives the snow. As the earth receives snow, receive My guidance. Quietly accept it.

it is all time snowing - Let My answers come to you like quiet snow.

Nirmala is the Store manager in this district!

A gift of love, a simple gift to make us whole and complete. thanks sweet frined!


thank you dear George, life

thank you dear George, life itself has a redeeming quality if we take it not so seriously, so fix, so sure but with a vastness like you have.

Nirmala is the way life should be lived!

Nirmala you make us all jump for joy, It flows from each of your word thoughts.



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