The Little Island

God said:

There is nothing that you cannot surmount. This means that there is nothing that is too much for you. You only think so.

It is not that you have to prove how hardy you are. Even the most delicate flower has unimagined strength. There is nothing that you cannot withstand. And there is nothing that you cannot muddle through and come out on a higher plane. You are invincible.

The fantasy is that you think you are your body. Whatever transpires with your body, you are not part of it. Naturally, you associate yourself with your body. If that's all you were, you would indeed be a mortal creature, but I have told you that you are eternal, and eternal means immortal. You are My forever child. You are not here one minute and gone the next. You are not temporary. You are permanent.

Part of you knows that. You must know that, because that is your experience.

If physical were all you were, who is it that inhabits the body you presently find yourself in? It is not empty. You live in it. Was then the occupant of the body as a baby someone other than you. You who now occupy the adult body, aren't you the same tenant the changing body has always had? Is there not some continuity to you? Surely your territory is beyond the limits of so small a thing as your body.

And yet you associate yourself with this body you find yourself in. You believe that you are one and the same. But still a part of you knows that the body is not the sum of you. You exist irrelevant to the temporary abode. The physical has become very dear to you, and you would like to establish it and make it more than it is or ever can be.

Yet part of you knows that you exist only in this moment anyway. This moment is vast. It encompasses eternity. The past, even the past of a moment ago, is a wave of the ocean gone by now. The past is just the frame of a moving picture. It is the ever-moment stopped in space, caught on a piece of shiny paper. The physical body is a stamp of you, but it is not you. The physical body is not even a trace of you.

You who see out from the eyes of your body are not dependent upon the eyes. You exist independent of the senses of the body. And you can see farther than the physical eye can see. There is much more to you than the tissue of the body that circulates around you.

What if you could assimilate that you are the universe entire? If you could accept this for a split second, what importance would that little island of yours assume? And yet you think this little dot of you on a huge map is momentous. Sometimes it does seem like the whole world to you.

In the moments you feel love, you know you are more than the sinews and tributaries of your body. Even the slightest awareness of love signals that you are more than the molecules that make up your body. Tissue doesn't really love. You do. And when you love, you give testament to the fact that you exist far beyond any limit set on earth.

By the same token, you do not require an object to love. Love emanates. All receive it. Love is a state of being. A moment of you and Me is all it takes for love to realize itself, to recognize itself, to delight in itself. Are We — the seeming two of us — are We not just enjoying love now?